Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« Thursday, July 24, 2003Saturday, July 26, 2003 »

Currently displaying 15 quotes for this day.

Friday, July 25, 2003 -- more to come, quotes from din din, schwenke's house for schwenk-nimals & hung out w/ al & max, that was funnnnn

"That's a good place to lay... I never thought of it before." - Janny M
loki was lying by his water bowl

"Where's E bay?" - Dylan R
lol he's 5, it was sooo cute

"It's hilariously sad." - Linda T

"Oh, I love this... the mermaids are buying shoes!" - Linda T

"And it's osmosis and it goes from him to him and they made a dance." - Aunt Janet
the stinky chicken (inside joke, obviously!)

"You're fired... I wish." - Aunt Janet

"You know what? That's what neighbors are for." - Uncle Mike
letting iris out w/o bing on the chain

"Haha. Uncle Mike almost fell of the swing, haha." - Janny M

"I'm such a dork that when I'm bored, I get on the Harry Potter website." - Allison B

"See that beeping? That means nobody gets in." - Janny M

"You don't check I D, my butt." - Allison B
they don't

"I don't wanna be like mister fallow the family." - Max B

"That's disgusting." "That's Janis." - Max B & Janny M

"He laughed at me." That's not hard to do." - Allison B & Max B

"You know, every time I'm in a conversation with you, it's about condoms." - Max B
talking about allison, really