Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« Saturday, July 5, 2003Monday, July 7, 2003 »

Currently displaying 22 quotes for this day.

Sunday, July 6, 2003 -- hung out w/ tricia, deadzone w/ roshy

"They advertise on the nozzels?" - Janny M

"Yeah, I want that one and that one... does that one come in blue?" - Rachael A
talking about the guys hanging around the gb mall

"Adrian... with the hair." - Tricia B

"Ou, look at that icecream picture." - Janny M

"Do you know what's on this table?" - Tricia B

"There's a sprinkle I can't get to." - Janny M
getting the most out of my icecream

"It's a hat rack that was in need of a hat." - Tricia B
took my hat, again

"You always make fun of me for having cat fur." - Tricia B

"Look at it. It's so mesmarizing." - Janny M

"Shut up. I know." - Janny M

"It has a pull out potty thing, that's all I need." - Uncle Mike

"Oh, finally. Someone like me." - Janny M
people were waving to random cars like i do!

"I don't want to get wins unethically." - Tricia B

"That guy is ugly." "Yeah, who would marry him?" - Janny M & Tricia B
the guy on that sliced meat commercial, lol

"I wanna live in a place called Dulooth when I grow up." - Janny M

"That doesn't look like Baltimore... oh, yeah. It's Seattle. - Tricia B

"Wasn't this the E T music?" - Tricia B

"Looks computer animated to me." - Janny M

"They kinda are happy curtins, though." - Tricia B

"Uh, they would be shooting her... they're cops!" - Janny M

"Man, it's always murder with Monk." - Janny M

"Oh my God. That sucks." "Yeah, it does." - Janny M & Roshy R