Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« Dec 2005Feb 2006 »

Currently displaying 21 quotes for this month.

Friday, January 27, 2006 -- hung out w/ tricia & brian & travis i did

"Oh my gosh! We're going to die... How much have you had to drink tonight?" - Tricia B
bri was driving crazilly

"It's like a make out pad..." - Tricia B

"That sounds like a song... Oh yeah, it is a song." - Tricia B
love shack

"How much is Sheetz now?" "I know, I had to fill up!" - Janny M & Tricia B

"I don't spit." - Tricia B

"I'm sorry, don't look at my boobs." - Tricia B
how can we not?

"Ou, your nails are sharp... You're not doing anything with that hand tonight!" - Tricia B

"Ah! There's two!" - Tricia B
2 aces were in the discard pile

"Oh, no!" - Tricia B
lol brian took her card

Thursday, January 26, 2006

"You alright? You alright?" "Yeah." "Not you, her." - Janny M & Brian C
candi was under my chair scared of something

"What's your problem? You have so much fat." - Janny M

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 -- brian was talking about bush

"Wait, you just used 'Bush' and 'good' in the same sentence." - Janny M

Monday, January 16, 2006 -- wierd writting date... hung w/ stacy & bri

"Twon... I'm moving on..." - Stacy M

"I'm finally going to get rid of this J." "Job?" - Brian C & Stacy M

"Ou, that was a little passive aggressive." - Stacy M

"Well, look familiar... J in the corner... Taking people's spots?" - Stacy M
brian put JET in the corner in scrabble

Thursday, January 5, 2006

"Hey, what's up? I've been dating a bunch of strippers." - Roshy R
her dad dated strippers before aunt janet

"And look, he's a caveman. Why is he wearing a hat?" - Roshy R

Wednesday, January 4, 2006 -- brian loves to tickle me cousins

"Did we have like a Christian revelation downstairs or something?" - Aunt Janet
the kids were hugging everyone

Sunday, January 1, 2006

"Houses always have attics... except this one." - Roshy R

"Damn it with those buffalo wings." - Roshy R