Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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Currently displaying 63 quotes for this month.

Friday, January 29, 2016 -- first day back to work; break with david at his place; megan & matt game night

"Well I don't want blood on my hands." - David Ga
why he's voting for BERNIE

"Wow. I don't think I would have gotten on it." - Megan Wi

"Probably not the best way to hide a present..." - Matt Wi
how he ran into the bedroom while megan was in the bathroom

"Maybe it's some earrings..." - Megan Wi
why matt got a diamond tester

"That's not the whole story..." "Well I'm telling it!" - Matt Wi & Megan Wi

"Oh my God tell your story." - Megan Wi

"I think... maybe it's a little overkill but... it's shiny." - Megan Wi
her engagement ring

"I would not do well in prison." - Megan Wi

"Your car is a coffin." - Megan Wi
talking to matt

"No one sits in the back seat." "Yeah, you do." - Matt Wi & Megan Wi

"You need to relax, buddy. I'm on top of my s**t." - Megan Wi

"How low can they go?" "Pretty low. They were to their ankles." - Janny M & Megan Wi

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"But you guys understand me." "Just barely." - Janny M & Jeff D
my thick accent people couldn't understand me order beer :(

Monday, January 25, 2016

"Maybe you should go down as you are." "I'd get a response." - Janny M & Brian C
bri was naked and trying to get our wifi password

"Bri leads me by my hair all the time." "Well that's okay." - Janny M & Jeff D
some dude holding his daughters or wife's arm

"I thought you weren't drinking yet." "Oh yeah. Darn!" - Janny M & Jeff D
he ordered a drink but said he wasn't drinking until after dinner

"Look at this dude leading his woman around." - Jeff D (pic)
dude and his dog

"No. You need to go into a New York accent." "Howdy, yall." - Brian C & Janny M
apparently i had a thick accent & they couldn't understand atlas beer I ordered

Sunday, January 24, 2016

"It could be hard not to mean exactly that." - Jeff D
trump's shoot someone in context

Saturday, January 23, 2016

"It'll go down fairly easily. It just won't go back up." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M

"I know what we can play next in the lobby... strip poker!" - Jeff D

"I can see it. You painted a literal translation for me." - Jeff D
bri explaining something

"There's more deaths due to cheese steaks." - Jeff D (pic)
people want their cheese steaks in the snow

"Well there is a chain, there's just nothing to put it into." "That's what she said." - Jeff D & Brian C (pic)

"Can't get to the bank cause you need to stay off the roads!" - Jeff D

Friday, January 22, 2016

"And we know it's fine cause they tell us it's fine." - Ann Marie Zz

"Kill off all the germs with mojitos." - Ann Marie Zz

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

"Hmm, if I just keep repeating the same lyrics they're going to catch on... Ou! Sax solo!" - Jeff D
80's music

Sunday, January 17, 2016

"Why am I wet here?" "That's what she said." - Janny M & Jeff D

"Let's bring out the lady." - Jeff D
in hearts; the black bitch queen

Saturday, January 16, 2016

"You're quick on the trigger this morning." "That's what she said last night, too." - Janny M & Brian C
joking about a one night stand for jeff

"Nobody dies though." "I know. Too bad." - Janny M & Jeff D
in survivor

"You seem to make up rules as you go along." - Jeff D
in uno

"Remember that skip your ass, reverse back to me? It happened again!" - Jeff D

Monday, January 11, 2016

"You should resort to photoshop." "Thanks!" - Janny M & Jeff D
for his profile pictures on dating websites

"We were doing either really good or really bad." - Jeff D

"You can't touch my back and now I'm four hundred pounds?" - Jeff D

Sunday, January 10, 2016 -- went over joe & kate's for the playoff games

"I bet you can track the I Q of the players by how much clothing they're wearing." - Joe C

"Oh, speaking of coke..." - Joe C
coca cola segway?

"My sole job would be to look good and I can do that with just being me." - Joe C
if he was a trophy husband

Friday, January 8, 2016 -- work, shawn & jen's for bond fire & hang out & beer

"I guess I have to vacuum down here again tomorrow." "It's called owning a home... and O C D." - Jen R & Janny M

"Let's all try to be adults now." "Uh, have we met?" - Jen R & Brian C

"They probably moved out because you guys kept having sex in the back." - Janny M

"They moved to Montgomery Village. Yeah, they do that there, too." - Shawn R
people have sex in their back yards

"The way you drive?" - Shawn R
talking to jen (crash)

"Does that mean you're going to f**k me later?" - Jen R

"If you wanna know who's stronger than who..." - Jen R
jen telling a story or arguing or something

"I don't know where she's going with this..." - Shawn R
the above statement

Thursday, January 7, 2016

"Why do I all of a sudden have a British accent?" - Jeff D

Saturday, January 2, 2016 -- 80s vs 90s dance at the filmore in silver spring! wore rave gear & got lots of comments

"But I see all the great bartenders do this." - Jeff D
pour ice right from the bag into a glass

"If the maids stole it and get hammered from it, that's awesome." - Jeff D
he left his flask at the hotel on new years

"It's a wine prostate." - Jeff D
the arch in the bottom of the bottle

"Brian are you... water?" - Jeff D

Friday, January 1, 2016 -- new years in annapolis! quotes said before and after sleep that night

"Stop laughing. It's not funny." - Janny M

"My entire life is in my phone." "Yeah, you're an American." - Janny M & Brian C

"Oh damn, I wish I had more money." - Janny M
some of these quotes don't make any sense

"You don't go shopping for food when you're hungry and you don't pack your bag when you're drunk." - Jeff D

"Somebody has to have said that before me." - Jeff D
the above quote

"No wonder these kids grow up killing everybody." - Jeff D
their parents took them to a hotel for new years

"How do you build any dreams on that?" - Jeff D
staying at a hotel for new years

"They actually left a plunger in there for us." - Brian C
his bathroom at work

"I was saying that, too but Brian only like it when guys do it." - Jeff D

"...But my aces..." - Brian C
he held on to two aces but they got trumped