Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« Thursday, April 19, 2018Saturday, April 21, 2018 »

Currently displaying 14 quotes for this day.

Friday, April 20, 2018 -- work; hung out with erin & bear

"No, unless you threaten to kill someone or someone..." - Bear M

"But her sister's like, 'No, you can't just go murder somebody.'" - Bear M

"They'd never find the body, I'm a f**king chef." - Bear M

"Dude, you need to get an Asian." - Bear M
to chop up fish

"Anyway, you were marked." - Bear M

"You and the limerita's... I almost puked that night." - Bear M

"We talked about it and you stated your intentions." - Erin L

"...Put him on an allowance. Have you do expense reports, everyday." - Erin L
bear spends a lot of money

"The cactus is beautiful artwork for someone who basically has an art degree." - Erin L
her artwork

"Like I'm a gay guy but I prefer my men to have vaginas." - Erin L

"You don't think I know how a vagina works?" - Bear M

"I didn't eat left over wedding cake, I'm not eating placenta." - Bear M

"The guys are like on the website, why aren't I finding any midget porn?" - Bear M

"It has everything." "Except an ending." - Janny M & Bear M