Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« Friday, November 8, 2019Sunday, November 10, 2019 »

Currently displaying 11 quotes for this day.

Saturday, November 9, 2019 -- andy & kyle's annual post-halloween party! lots of food & beer & costumes; smoked cigars by the fire; played a game; rockband; juggling

"They don't even look like crickets. They look like cat turds." - Meg C

"Are they vegan crickets?" - Chad Zzzz
chocolate covered crickets is a tradition for andy's parties

"You can't have a five year old run your life like that." - Andy W

"Are they really furry Nazi's or are they really World War two re-inactor furries?" - Meg C

"This is not that interesting of a story. It'll be a huge let down." - Dave C
everyone just started listening to one of his childhood stories

"Is there a meaning for backdoor that's different for African Americans?" - Dave C

"So it was like, I'm gonna learn while I'm doing this." - Dave C
he debates on fb but he fact checks

"Are we going this cause it's fun?" - Meg C
snapping glow sticks

"My sticky bra is not so sticky." - Meg C

"...And a few men wanted to be with him..." - Andy W

"It's not when you pull it out that makes it looser." - Andy W
should have been a twss