Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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Currently displaying 131 quotes for this month.

Sunday, February 27, 2022 -- becky & jen slept over; becky made breakfast in the morning

"Did you find your thingy?" "Yes, it was in my bra." - Brian C & Jen R





Saturday, February 26, 2022 -- talked to arlene; jen came over; hung out until becky came over; went somewhere then dtss for dinner & drinks; then hang out at my place; girls night!

"The secret about this place is out." - Arlene A
tampa bay housing market is exploding

"My car was the third s**ttiest in this apartment complex." - Arlene A
her old car

"She's a money pit." - Steve G
their dog




"Set as wallpaper!" - Jen R
a picture from our night out

Friday, February 25, 2022 -- wfh; went over aaron & sabrina's place for dinner & drinks & a car card game

"I was pissed but I was fine." - Aaron E
something fell off of someone's car and hit his car

"People get hit by bikes all the time." - Sabrina P

"Let me deal with my grandpa then I'll deal with Russia." - Aaron E

"We should probably hand wash it." "Well then we're not eating off of it." - Aaron E & Sabrina P
the fine china

"Yeah but come on." "It's just sitting there!" - Janny M & Sabrina P
the last part was said at the same time

"Like, like humans?" - Sabrina P

"We're waiting..." - Sabrina P

"Let me see what a delayed action is... I know what a delayed action is." - Aaron E
in the car card game

"Aaron loves to complicate things." - Sabrina P

"F**k yeah! I'm outta here, b***hes!" - Sabrina P
finally got a green light

Thursday, February 24, 2022 -- wfh; russia stuff so we needed a hangout with our political drinking buddies

"No giving weapons to Nazis." - Helen E

"Of course the drugs help." - Helen E
why kiki is so calm

"It's a light f**k." - Helen E
the word "bloody"

"And then I thought maybe it was a political statement..." - Helen E
i accidentally sent them all a picture of my dental card that was meant for bri

"What does she do with her time then?" "She has cats." - Brian C & Andrei A
someone he went out with who isn't into politics

"How does he know what's gonna happen to him?" - Andrei A
wiki eats the fortune and the cookie

"The bear don't care." - Brian C

"In the middle of winter I wouldn't want some cold water..." - Andrei A
in the debday

Monday, February 21, 2022

"It's so much fun playing with you guys." - Heidi C
constant attacks in dominion

"I'm out of funny things to say." - Heidi C

"Usually people have hard nipples when they're around me." - Heidi C

"Ahh, selfish." - Heidi C

Sunday, February 20, 2022 -- went over heidi's; dinner; drinks and dominion!

"What is this about? Oh f**k you." - Heidi C

"Who would throw away a living creature?" - Heidi C
trashing a bird

"How did I end up in last? I thought I did better than that." "Actually, you didn't." - Janny M & Heidi C

"This doesn't strike me as coffee music." "Me either. Maybe coffee after you did heroin." - Janny M & Heidi C

"Heidi's drunk texting distilleries." - Heidi C

"These are orgasmic... I mean organic peanut butter cups..." - Heidi C

"What was the quote?" "I've been funny all night." - Janny M & Heidi C

"I remember when we used to play with Platinums and Colonies and it was fun." - Heidi C

"I love the smell of my own hair. Is that weird?" - Heidi C

"Hey. Thanks for telling her about the Margrave. That was really helpful." - Heidi C
now i was attacking

Saturday, February 19, 2022 -- went over shawn & jen's for a hangout; drinks, etc; tried an escape room game; watched 8 mile

"He just wants to see me naked. That's all." - Brian C
shawn needs a body to play doctor with

"Or don't listen to me..." - Shawn R
blow smoke inside... jen?

"Our wrongly convicted friends, right?" "Sure." - Janny M & Shawn R

"This thingy goes deep." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M

Friday, February 18, 2022 -- wfh; went over kurt & mike's place for a hangout & cah

"They're curved right for the butt." - Mike O

"It's not in your office either." "Oh, piss." - Kurt W & Mike O

"I like the giant sperm from outer space." - Kurt W

"Okay, big Mike." - Kurt W
big mike card in cah

"These suck. I'm gonna have to go with masturbation." - Mike O

"Cause, yeah, you get a cool nickname in war. That's about it." - Kurt W

"Well this sucks." - Mike O
his cards

"As reparations for slavery, all African Americans will receive Lunchables." "That's f**ked up." - Kurt W & Mike O

Thursday, February 17, 2022 -- wfh; went out to brew belly with helen & andrei; drinks!

"Do you really think I care if I walked awkward four steps in front of you guys?" - Helen E
she was walking funny on the gravel

"The good news is it's Ed but the bad news is it's Ed. - Helen E

"Would you expect anything less?" - Andrei A
he has a beard now

"The trauma of being away from me..." - Andrei A
why kiki is sad

"No. We're going to have more waste." "That sounds s**ty." - Brian C & Helen E

"Damn it. YOu're the second person to tell me that!" - Andrei A
he looks chetchen

"Let me try too make a Game Of Thrones comparison..." - Helen E

"It's a Karen brigade." - Helen E
the canada truckers

"I'm not racist but..." - Helen E
she doesn't like clyborn (neither do i)

"I swipe left on moderates." - Helen E

"Fifteen? F**k you!" - Helen E
how much older she is from her 21 year old cousin

"...But of Takoma Park socialism..." - Helen E

"One of my V P N I P addresses was banned..." - Helen E
from submitting to the anti marc site

"I'm a few steps above hello world." - Helen E
writing scripts

"No, I have his name as Karen." - Helen E

"I guess that makes me a nimby but I hate nimbys." - Helen E

"I'm listening to you because you're a white woman." "I've said a lot of things since then." - Janny M & Helen E

Sunday, February 13, 2022 -- super bowl at shawn & jen's

"Aww, Lando, you can spend the night with Penny... That didn't sound right." - Jen R

"...Can't say the words cause my daughter's here." - Jen R

"Hey miss galaxy..." - Jen R

"Oh, I don't think so." "Would you stop giving a dog attitude?" - Jen R & Shawn R

"Okay, I need to go to the E R." "Yeah, you'll wait until after half time." - Jen R & Shawn R
eminem, dr dre, all the folks

"It's not wine. It's a margarita with vodka." - Jen R

"I'm surprised you get carded. They see you several times a week." - Shawn R
at the liquor store

"Don't squeeze!" - Shawn R
jen was handling something delicate

Saturday, February 12, 2022 -- went over aunt janet's for dinner, drinks, good hang out

"Just letting them go... - Dylan R
aunt janet used to have birds

"Who cares about the planet!" - Aunt Janet

"Still to this day. No birds on ninety five." - Uncle Mike
after he drove his diesel

"They all had doctor in quotes." - Uncle Mike
bri's health insurance had very few doctors

"It wasn't Unity by the Bay." "It was Unity by the bowling alley." - Eric W & Aunt Janet
uncle mike's old church that later bought my dad's house

"We put sugar in everything." "God bless America." - Aunt Janet & Dylan R

"Eh, yeah, cheating..." - Dylan R
tom brady was the goat?

"It's down the steepest f**king hill." - Aunt Janet

"You're basically at the bottom of a crater." - Aunt Janet

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 -- wfh; played online games w/ jason & brittney

"I knew she needed the handicap." - Brittney H

"I think her screen's frozen. Her expression hasn't changed." - Jason H
brittney just got the queen

"Why are you paying attention? Go back to not paying attention." - Jason H

"I'll make it more appetizing." - Jason H

"It looks like it has good bones." "What do you mean? Cinder blocks?" - Janny M & Jason H
a fixer-upper house

"I'm getting P T S D looking at these hearts." - Jason H

"Oh, I'm sorry. I think I have to work night shifts." - Brittney H
playing mario switch w/ jason & his friend

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

"You're a bad Italian." - Eric W
christine didn't know what a macci was

Saturday, February 5, 2022 -- went over bill's; played clank; drank & had fun

"S**t is going down." - Damion _

"Have you ever been?" "Naw. F**k that." - Janny M & Damion _
to portugal

"Well metaphorically speaking but literal would work, too." - Damion _

"No. You're fine. I'm just a lunatic." - Damion _

"We're missing a black cube." "That's racist." - Phil Ho & Damion _

"Is this the best popcorn you've ever had?" Not the best popcorn I've ever had." "You can't have anymore." - Damion _ & Brian C

"That's a big pay day. Especially this early in the game. We've only been playing for an hour." - Damion _

"Who is this? He's really big." - Tamea U

Friday, February 4, 2022 -- wfh; had helen & her friend over for a garage hang out with beer, of course

"Do I have to?" - Eric W
login to local environment

"Cause I'm twelve." - Helen E

"I'm the opposite of judging you." - Adam C

"That's my… average Sunday." - Adam C
pooping across the street

"Do you have to go number two?" - Adam C

"If I'm making one cent per cheeseburger." " Oh God now I'm hungry." - Brian C & Adam C

"I'm not gonna spit it out." - Adam C

"Do you know another car that is extremely valuable?" "P T cruiser?" - Brian C & Adam C

"What are we Irish?" - Adam C

"There's something I couldn't find." "Spinach?" - Helen E & Adam C

"I don't like Bezos or... South Africa man..." - Adam C

"He's talking about centers." - Adam C

"If they blow you it's fine, if you have sex with them it's not okay." - Adam C

"In 2006 Edward Smith admitted to having sex with two thousand cars... that sounds exhausting! " - Helen E

"She's having a stroke..." - Adam C
helen was smelling chinese food

Thursday, February 3, 2022 -- wfh; zoom call with megan & matt!

"I don't know when the last time I took a bath." - Megan Wi

"Are you from here?" - Matt Wi
megan had problems saying new orleanian

"I was like f**k that so I went out and bought a purse." - Megan Wi

"No. F**k them." - Megan Wi

"I have some sage just in case." - Megan Wi
their house might be haunted

"I can't buy any purses if it's in the safe." - Megan Wi
with money that's in the safe

"Put it in deeper." "No, Matt." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Megan Wi & Janny M
the selfie stick that they were holding up for the zoom

"Now she's like f**k dogs." - Matt Wi
megan after deedee died

"It looked like a giant vagina in the sky." - Megan Wi

"Then there were all these jets that flew into the sky vagina..." - Megan Wi