The Rubble Or Our Sins?

There’s a song I like, Pompeii by Bastille. It tells a story of a city like Pompeii (or it probably is Pompeii). A city that’s so full of sin and then it’s destroyed.

I have used a few lyrics from it before in my own life. In response to why I was leaving a job, I replied, “I was left to my own devices. Many days fell away with nothing to show.” I was bored; my PM just had left so I wasn’t growing. That was one of the reasons why I left.

But I’m not blogging about that aspect of the song this time.

I’ve gotten into debates with friends about another lyric in the song; “Oh, where do we begin? The rubble or our sins?”

This lyric is powerful to me because I often think about my mother and how much she is and has struggled. I also think about those who want to change their life around or, perhaps, myself if I were to fall into a bad action or a difficult time of my own making.

I feel that you should start with your sins.

If you fall in trouble and lose what you have, if you gain what you have back, you have not learned a lesson and could repeat the same mistake again. If you get to where you’re comfortable again, what’s stopping you from falling back to the mistake? However, if you start with trying to better yourself (i.e. start with your sins), then you will have learned and can then build back from the rubble.

I probably suck at explaining that but that’s how I feel. Start with the sins then rebuild.

Solving 7×7 Rubics Cube
Brian’s Run For Delegate

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