Issues With The Umbrella Academy

I just finished the fourth and final season of the Umbrella Academy. (Warning: there will be spoilers!)

Overall the series was good but honestly the acting and dialog made it. The actors were phenomenal. The dialog was great. But the plots just weren’t there. They often didn’t make sense and there were a lot of loose ends and things that I just wish they had better explained.

Here are just a few things that I took issue with:

  • If there were so many women who mysteriously gave birth around the world at the same time, where are the others?
    • Why did Hargreeves only take seven when he clearly could have gotten more? (He does get another set from season 3 but I’m sure there were more opportunities to get more.)
    • Why didn’t other children of the women have special powers who weren’t in the Umbrella or Sparrow academies? Coming of age you would think all the people born on that day would exhibit powers at some point in their life.
    • Probability states that he should have been able to get a lot more chinese girls due to the one child policy. There isn’t even one chinese girl in the series. I would think those children would be the number one of who would be “available” to adopt. Probably more chinese boys too since China is almost 18% of the world population.
  • I am really glad they tied up almost the whole thing at the end as to why all these apocalypses kept happening but that plot got a little tiring after season two. Glad they were able to sum it up at the end but it still annoyed me throughout the series… like can’t they come up with something else?
  • Ben dying never made sense in season four. Hargreeves killed Ben. Okay but then we had a flashback during season one on the after mission and them wondering what the hell happened… They should have known… unless Hargreeves altered their minds before they got back home, maybe?
  • Did Lila and Five really spend seven years in a subway?
    • I like this plot but seven years is way too long and they didn’t look like they aged during that time. Lila did mention she got a gray hair but I was expecting a lot more aging during this time.
    • I mean after a week I would have been sick of it. I think it should have been a shorter amount of time.
    • If they were really stuck for seven years, how would they not have hooked up sooner? They seemed to have only hooked up during year 5 or 6… I would think it would have been more like 2 or 3.
  • The whole thing with the hotel in season three made no sense. In fact all of season three didn’t.
    • Why weren’t the Sparrows working their asses off to try to save people from the Kugelblitz apocalypse? Why were they acting like nothing else was going on?
    • How did Luther and Sloane have time to plan a wedding? Where did that come from?
    • How was the hotel so accomedating? Where were the other patrons of the hotel?
    • If the hotel was the last thing standing why wasn’t everyone flocking to there?
    • And how in the hell was Lila able to eat sushi when pregnant? Seriously. That bugs me. Pregnant women can’t eat sushi. (One of the many reasons why I never wanted to procreate.)
    • How did Harlen know where Viktor/Vanya was at the beginning? Did he sense her and just up and leave whatever life he had wherever he had to go to New York?
    • Why on earth would you ever ring the bell??? It didn’t seem like they even needed to anyway since the thing that saves the world was right on the fucking floor.
  • So Five created the Commission? And if he did, why would it hire assassins to hunt Five?
  • Luther’s hands were always different. If he was part ape, he should have had consistent hands throughout the series but he does not. Details matter.

There were things that I did enjoy about it despite these glaring, hard-to-overcome plot holes. I liked how it ended. I liked that they were able to rushly explain how everything happened but you would have thought another Five would have thought about doing that at some point. Five was a very smart dude. I loved how Diego was very serious about saving Kennedy in season two. This world would be different if he weren’t assassinated.

There are probably other issues I had with it that I can’t think of right now. There were times when Bri and I just looked at each other and tried to figure out what was happening but we couldn’t. The plot just wasn’t the best. Overall I wouldn’t watch it again.

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