How I’m Better Off Than I Was Four Years Ago
With this question about “are you better off than you were four years ago”, I thought I’d blog about how I am better off than I was four years ago.
- I’m making almost twice as much as I was when Obama took office.
- Since I bought my house back in 2009, I received the $8,000 first-time home buyer credit (part of the stimulus) which I spent on building a garage.
- Along with people like yourself (I’m sure), we received a tax cut with the Making Work Pay Tax Credit.
- Although I’m not happy about it, Obama did extend the Bush tax cuts which saved us all money.
- Everyone has enjoyed not having to pay a copay when going to the doctor for preventive care. I recently enjoyed this benefit.
- My bank accounts are insured up to $250,000. It was only $100,000 from 1970 to 2008.
Here’s a few examples of how my family is better off under Obama:
- Obama helped my Aunt Ruth by bailing out the automotive industry. Without that, my Aunt would have lost her health insurance.
- Obama extended unemployment benefits, which helped my mom.
- The Cash For Clunkers program helped Bri’s parents trade in their old van for a Honda Civic.
Note that this is just a list of what Obama has done that effects me personally. He’s also done a lot more that’s good for our country such as federal support for stem cell research, killing Osama bin Laden, overturning Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, bills for veterans, signed START, overturning Bush’s deregulation for endangered species; the list goes on and on. Almost every area that you can think of, Obama has done something about.
I’ll probably blog again a little closer to the election with other stuff that matters.