Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« Jul 2002Sep 2002 »

Currently displaying 30 quotes for this month.

Thursday, August 29, 2002 -- went over my aunts today to pick up some stuff for college & cashed my b-day check

"I can barely open this envelope, I think she put too much siliva on it." - Janny M

Sunday, August 25, 2002 -- smokey came over & helped us get some of the junk off the side of the house, we took it all to the dump

"Oh, is this where they put dead body parts?" "No, that's further down." - Mom & Smokey
talking about the dump

"Ma, it looks like you peed yourself." "That's what I said." - Janny M & Smokey

Wednesday, August 21, 2002 -- saw karen for the first & last time in a long time, we met up w/ amanda @ her house, also went to tsunami's again w/ paul & rick & his friends

"Why because it's not ghettofied enough for you?" - Karen H
talking about amandas sheet on her bed

"What can you buy for ten dollars?" "Um... a whistle." - Janny M & Karen H

"Do you like firm matrices?" - Karen H

"Is your name on the back of this? Let's see, s**thead." - Karen H

"Okay, I have to think." "Don't do that, you might kill your brain cells!" - Amanda T & Karen H

"Oh, none of that! My virgin eyes... the only part of me that's still a virgin." - Jay R

Tuesday, August 20, 2002 -- spent my last w/ sara m & liz m for a while, we went 2 c goldmember, their first time, but my 4th time

"It's kinda like moviefone, I keep spelling it correctly." - Liz M

"So what I have to do is waste a shield to get a shield." - Sara M

Monday, August 5, 2002

"Where does it go?" "I don't think it does go." - Mr Harich & Nick M

"Awww... she's cute!" - Ashley Ha
talking about an old lady

"You turned a cup of water upside down and it spilled on the floor?" - Mr Harich

"What was this about a brain, Will?" - Mrs Harich

"Well you married me... what's sicker?" - Mr Harich

"This is rather puzzling, isn't it?" - Nick M
talking about the many puzzles we put together, the egg puzzle!

"Well, I tried, but after a while I started going cross eyed." - Nick M

"I need to write my will here, soon." - Nick M
that egg puzzle was terrible

"My head is going to get tired... I better stop shaking it." - Paul H

"It's so frusterating... It made me think of eggs." - Nick M

"It's like everytime I put one leg in 'Hello? Don't come in!'" - Ashley Ha

Sunday, August 4, 2002 -- our 2nd night @ cape hatteris, the week went by soo fast

"I'm making a sandwich for the kids." "They're all going to eat one sandwich?" - Mrs Harich & Mr Harich Janny Favorite

"They're so big, you'd think they'd help us out, but they're so ugly!" - Nick M
talking about the shell puzzle we put together

"That shell is ugly!" - Pathana I

"These pieces are too chuncky!" - Pathana I

"It's a poop shell." - Paul H

"Okay... We gotta go, we're naked!" - Ashley Ha

"Where does it go?" "I don't think it does go." - Paul H & Janny M

Saturday, August 3, 2002 -- trip down to cape hatteris w/ paul, his ma, his dad & some of his family, they invited me ;)

"Well Paul paid good money for that T shirt." "What? You brought your good money? You're supposed to have brought your bad money!" - Janny M & Mr Harich