Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« Jun 2003Aug 2003 »

Currently displaying 386 quotes for this month.

Thursday, July 31, 2003 -- july is over!!! over fun places

"No thanks. I can read on my own." - Aunt Janet
iris was up on her

"No, don't lick that... that's clean!" - Janny M

"I can't make up my own jokes, are you kidding?" - Janny M

"If you play straights, it has to be a flush." - Tricia B

"And you're teaching a math class?" - Tyler M

"There goes that beginners luck." - Tricia B

"You just want the kickers." - Tricia B

"The coat could suffocate her." - Tricia B

"The important dramatic story, rather than a stupid, silly story..." - Tyler M

"The suspense music is too loud." - Tricia B

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 -- lol um blew up a tire, star wars marathon w/ paul, fun fun fun

"Are you making fun of me, again?" "No... yes." - Janny M & Paul H

"Me? Skinny, little Mike?" - Uncle Mike

"Hey, get out of my dirt... that's nice." - Aunt Janet

"Aww. Look, you were so cute... What happened?" - Janny M
a pic of paul when he was like 5

"Someone always has to lose an arm." - Paul H

"Oh, gee. A locked door. Let's not check in there." - Paul H

"Your socks are so feminine." - Janny M

"My star destroyer, my arrival... he's in love with himself, isn't he?" - Janny M

"Do they really need the smoke effects?" - Paul H

"Oh, Jaba's so sweet." - Mr Harich

"Back in the olden days... in the eighties." - Mr Harich

"B B and T sounds like a sandwich." - Mrs Harich

"Are they legal ones?" "Most of them." - Mrs Harich & Paul H
thinking of bringing fireworks up to hattaris!

"Safety in numbers." - Mr Harich
at fourth of july... non 4th would b tricky for illegal 1's

"She's confused. Wa." - Mr Harich

"He's such a charmer." - Mr Harich
talking about the emperor... he thinks of the most random things to say

"Calm down, Luke. Take a prozak." - Mrs Harich

Tuesday, July 29, 2003 -- i didn't have paper where i was today, lol

"Oh, good bye half a meg." - Janny M

"She's like 'heh, tree'." - Janny M

"Can't they throw up in their litter box?" - Janny M

Monday, July 28, 2003 -- liz party thingy, that was fun

"I like mobs." - Janny M

"First think about the rainbow." - Liz M

"Damn, I wish it wasn't raining." - Janny M
that song by sophie b hawkins, damn i wish i was ur lover

"I missed two?" - Liz M

"I like that word... dudical." - Chrystal S
my word

"Oh, it went to bones." - Chrystal S

"No, I guess it's not meant to be." - Chrystal S

"It's not quite chrystal length yet." - Sara M

"It's called shipping." - Sara M

"We didn't see that a mile away." - Sara M

"Wasn't that the song of the confederacy?" - Liz M

Sunday, July 27, 2003 -- quotes said past 12 @ racheals un graduation party, and stuff

"Dad, did we get a new toilet seat?" - Tricia B

"Ou, I just thought of a good strategy." "Try not to lose?" - Janny M & Ben A

"Nine? B S." - Tricia B

"You... idiot... she's such an idiot." - Tricia B

"Oh, I would. I would so do her." - Tricia B

"We don't want to visualize, thank you." - Janny M

"This is what it's for." - Ben A

"Tell me you're not watching that movie." - Rachael A
titanic song was playing on the radio, lol

Saturday, July 26, 2003 -- schwenke's pets, did stuff around the house, slept cause of getting up early, eww

"Little foot... that's so pathetic that I still remember his name." - Janny M

"See? Refill." - Uncle Mike

"Haha. Wohoo." - Tricia B

"Okay, she'll b here at Ann O clock." - Uncle Mike

"Your hair is beautiful." "Oh, thank you." - Mom & Uncle Mike

"What's she wearing? The shirt from last night? Mike!" - Aunt Janet

"No. D V D?" - Aunt Janet

"Ramsey insurance... we don't get up early." - Uncle Mike

"Size six? Why can't I be thinner?" - Mom

Friday, July 25, 2003 -- more to come, quotes from din din, schwenke's house for schwenk-nimals & hung out w/ al & max, that was funnnnn

"That's a good place to lay... I never thought of it before." - Janny M
loki was lying by his water bowl

"Where's E bay?" - Dylan R
lol he's 5, it was sooo cute

"It's hilariously sad." - Linda T

"Oh, I love this... the mermaids are buying shoes!" - Linda T

"And it's osmosis and it goes from him to him and they made a dance." - Aunt Janet
the stinky chicken (inside joke, obviously!)

"You're fired... I wish." - Aunt Janet

"You know what? That's what neighbors are for." - Uncle Mike
letting iris out w/o bing on the chain

"Haha. Uncle Mike almost fell of the swing, haha." - Janny M

"I'm such a dork that when I'm bored, I get on the Harry Potter website." - Allison B

"See that beeping? That means nobody gets in." - Janny M

"You don't check I D, my butt." - Allison B
they don't

"I don't wanna be like mister fallow the family." - Max B

"That's disgusting." "That's Janis." - Max B & Janny M

"He laughed at me." That's not hard to do." - Allison B & Max B

"You know, every time I'm in a conversation with you, it's about condoms." - Max B
talking about allison, really

Thursday, July 24, 2003 -- did a lot today, over schwenke's, saw lxg w/ tricia, ben, and tyler

"You have Janisisms." - Tricia B

"No, not unnecessary... either get an apartment or live in your parents back yard." - Tricia B

"Ha! Hit you with trash bags." - Tricia B

"You won't have to worry about that... unless they really go to town." - Mrs Schwenke

"I'd love to take a third mortgage on the house and go see the Ravens." - Uncle Mike

"There's no such thing as lending your mother money... it's giving." - Uncle Mike
he's right

"Nobody is big and fat, okay?" - Aunt Janet

"Why did you knock on your own door?" - Janny M

"Holes! No, that's alright." - Tricia B

"Just watch them and stop listening to your own voice." - Tricia B

"Let me touch it." - Tricia B

"I have a thong from here." - Tricia B

"I feel dirty every time I walk into that store." - Tyler M
dollar store

"Think we should wait for them?" "Na, it gives us more time to make out." - Ben A & Janny M

"Could have fooled me." "Yeah, really." - Janny M & Ben A
on there's more to life than underwear commerical in the theature

Wednesday, July 23, 2003 -- i'm tired of putting stuff here

"I don't know, she's obsessed with closing all the doors up here." - Aunt Janet

"There's nothing neato about a speedo. Have you ever worn one?" - Ben A

"I'm a perfect person. When are you going to learn this?" - Ben A

"Yeah, people are not going to have Han Solo font on their computers." - Janny M
cause i do

"Okay, I need spa colors here..." - Janny M

"He seems like an exotic bird keeper to me." - Stacy M
lol, talking about schwenke's animals, i'm going to b pet sitting for!

"But doesn't he? He seems like a really sophisticated domestic wildlife bird trainer or something." - Stacy M

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

"There's no stopping that woman." - Janny M

"How do you know which number you are?" - Janny M

"The baby didn't even eat it!" - Aunt Janet

Monday, July 21, 2003

"What are they eating... oh, okay." - Aunt Janet

"She says ya?" "Yeah." - Janny M & Aunt Janet

"I don't even know how that started." - Aunt Janet

Sunday, July 20, 2003 -- hung out w/ tricia & paul & went shopping & stuff

"When you dance on that, it sounds like you're dancing on dippers." - Tricia B

"No, just so he can flirt with me." - Janny M

"Paul, would you wear these?" "Please?" - Janny M & Tricia B
tight underwear

"Come on, Paul, just pick out your underwear so we can go." - Janny M

"That's when you lock it, it makes that noise." - Janny M

"You know, you're such a wuss buying a stick." - Tricia B

"I like your stick, Paul." "Oh, you like my stick? Wanna see it again?" - Janny M & Paul H

"I'll sit back here with the underwear." - Tricia B

"God, he's so cute... I'd say yes." - Janny M

"Okay, just go already." - Janny M

Saturday, July 19, 2003 -- out w/ tricia places & stuff, ouu fun w/ allison & max & rachelle & moreen, yea that's what i did that day

"You and your eighties music." - Tricia B

"Well my menu's better than yours." "Shut up about your menu superiority." - Janny M & Tricia B

"I can't color inside the lines." - Janny M

"What is that place like statues are us or rent a statue?" - Tricia B

"And I'm engaged, but I'm not going to tell you that, it'd ruin the plot." - Mrs Austin

"I want a motor bike like that." - Janny M

"I said 'sure'. What kind of positive answer do you want?" - Janny M

Friday, July 18, 2003 -- wow, a lot happened, electricity went out for 6 hours, went to dq w/ paul, spent night over tricias & did physicsy things

"The electricity should be on by Monday... Haha. Just kidding... it'll be Tuesday." - Uncle Mike

"Let's play a little game of black screen." - Janny M

"No, you don't understand. This is a big thing for him, not having the computer. Now, for me, it's the air conditioning." - Aunt Janet

"Call and make sure we're on." - Aunt Janet
b4 i left

"...The size of something that I can name." - Janny M

"You're jealous of Golum's good looks, aren't you?" - Janny M

"Do you think my phone number is cool? What kind of question is that?" - Paul H

"Where's Mommy?" "I think she's in here." - Dylan R & Uncle Mike
in his cerial bowl

"Cause I hope to get home to see it... psycho." - Aunt Janet

"Oh, no we don't." - Aunt Janet

"I had my recipe out and everything. I was ready to make that meatloaf." - Aunt Janet

"Janis is bailing." - Aunt Janet

"Your smell reminds me of Frostburg." - Tricia B

"My fingers stink. They smell like cheap sex." - Tricia B

"What? The honeymoon to my marshmallow?" - Janny M

"I've seen better chick flicks." - Uncle Mike

"Something about Jennifer Lopez... just doesn't do it for me." - Uncle Mike

Thursday, July 17, 2003 -- hung out w/ stac & roshy

"Webcam picture." "Oh, yeah." - Janny M & Roshy R

"Hey! I found a quarter!" - Stacy M

"Can you get fired for something like that?" "No, paying in pennies... it's payment." - Janny M & Stacy M

"I mean two hundred, seventy three... pennies." - Stacy M

"Yeah. You're an octopus, right?" - Janny M

"Hey mister? Stupid driver." - Uncle Mike

"I love his shirt. I wanna take it off." - Janny M
colin's shirt ouun

Wednesday, July 16, 2003 -- out all day, out all night

"Beanie babies are D E D, dead. If they had real beans in them, I'd be eating mine." - Jim B

"Does D C 1 0 1 have good music?" "Yeah... they also have good commercials." - Janny M & Stacy M
as i flipped to it, there were commercials

"They're using alcohol. That's not very professional." - Jim B

"D... my computer science grade." - Janny M

"Are you trying to analyze my dream?" - Janny M

"This is Tricia's house." "Oh, I thought it was my house." - Janny M & Paul H

"Why?" "Cause it's dork some." - Janny M & Tricia B

"I can't see past his head." - Tricia B

"I'm turning around for no good reason." - Tricia B

"Guys, save that for the hotel room." - Tricia B

"Oh! I almost ran into that car!" - Tricia B

"Did you just say the boobs and the bees?" - Janny M

"Uh! I went there when I was dying." - Tricia B

"She won't make any moves. It's driving me crazy." - Tricia B

"Yeah. Paul can defrost me." - Janny M

"Yeah... it's by the Go Go's. Keep going." - Janny M

"She'll be back in a few minutes. But we should hide and make love somewhere." - Janny M

"There's a body in there." - Tricia B
there was a trashcan on the back of a car

"No, cause I want water cause water's free." - Janny M

"No one is seeing them tonight." - Janny M
u don't wanna know

"I've never heard butts be characterized as big screen T V's before." - Janny M

"Why do people always feel the need to scare people after they've said I know you're there?" - Tricia B

Tuesday, July 15, 2003 -- went to c pirates of the carabian, there were more quotes, but the other sheet was put somewhere *cough* rochelle

"What's that van doing?" "He's driving." - Paul H & Janny M

"Aren't you a special person? Don't you have key?" - Janny M

"Come on slow poke!" - Janny M
it's route 50, don't go 45!!!

"Shh. Stop breathing so loud." - Uncle Mike

"No. Cancel. What is this Roshy crap?" - Uncle Mike

"The slide is not a place to sleep. You're not a hoe boe." - Roshy R

"I hope you're enjoying your computer game as I'm killing the fish." - Aunt Janet

"He was like stomping. I guess he threw something." - Roshy R

"Wrong verse." - Janny M

"All well. I'm a dork. That's okay, he knew that." - Janny M

"I don't care anymore. This is tearful." - Janny M

Monday, July 14, 2003

"Look at my dorky away message." "They're always dorky." - Janny M & Roshy R

"I have to put up an away message so no one I M's me." "Like they ever do." "Yeah, you're right." - Roshy R & Janny M

"I don't know, Rochelle, I think you're losing it." - Janny M
she thought she saw my blue car out there

"I gotta go or else I'll pee my bed." - Tricia B

"Oh, no. I didn't mean to do that. Game. Undo." - Tricia B

"Her hair can't smell that good. I mean, she hasn't shampooed it or anything." - Roshy R

"I want those shoes." - Roshy R
willy wanka umpa lumpa shoes

Sunday, July 13, 2003

"Loki... wanna chew on my rope?" - Roshy R

"We're going to have sex all over the house." "I won't call late." - Linda T & Aunt Janet
wow, this is first sick talk i've heard in a while

"She sounds like a squeeky toy... I'm serious." - Linda T

"Duh. I knew that." - Janny M

"What? They actually drop them?" - Janny M

"Harold Ramis says penis!" - Janny M

"You act like you've never written pfft before." - Roshy R

"Who would name a horse Seabuscuit?" "I would." - Roshy R & Janny M

Saturday, July 12, 2003

"Your essence is messing me up." - Janny M

"Aw, there's no power supply in there." - Uncle Mike

"Okay, someone get me a flash light so I can find my flash light." - Uncle Mike

"You've been playing with your Barbie dolls for... twenty two minutes." - Roshy R

"You remember I drove an hour to get you, and an hour and a half back," "Woof!" "Yeah, well..." - Uncle Mike & Lokie R

"I need... an away message." - Roshy R

"'Rain'... yeah." - Roshy R

"You know what, fine... I can leave an away message too." - Roshy R

"Come Sail Away by Styx is not a feminine song!" - Janny M

Friday, July 11, 2003 -- late at night, today good day, watched megs for like four hours! yippy

"Yeah, I'm worried about eating him at night." - Janny M

"He was like 'my legs hurt, my sholders hurt, I've been standing', and I was like 'what are you ninety?'" - Aunt Janet

"Whatever, make me miss the theme song." - Janny M

"There are a lot of sexual enduendos in this one." - Janny M
bear in the big blue house episode

"Yeah, you're not putting much energy into this." - Janny M

Thursday, July 10, 2003 -- had late night w/ roshy, she made me write a quote down! ddr w/ print & stuff w/ him... carnival!!! wooo!

"No, moon bounces are awesome." - Roshy R

"You don't have to get dressed for him." - Janny M

"Do you know what I'm saying? A different car, a different measurement." - Janny M

"Guess what. Who cares." - Janny M

"Uh oh. Someone's cleaning up... we can't have that." - Aunt Janet

"See the people in the orange things?" - Roshy R

"There's no like lane markers." - Paul H

"Okay. Put my socks back on." - Janny M

"Yeah, I have Bob Marley in my car." "What? He's in your car? I don't see anyone in your car." - Janny M & Paul H

Wednesday, July 9, 2003 -- went out, ddr

"You look like a chimpanzee." - Janny M
wow, this was ironic, since we saw 28 days later

"I'm not putting any away message up." - Paul H

"She probably just uses the sign for kicks." - Paul H
rookie drivers, a lady was driving

"Yeah, it comes standard in all computers except mine." - Janny M

"Oh my gosh. Rubber necking for a carnival?" - Janny M
they were, 2!

"Well, I guess I had a couple of glasses, and she had... a couple more." - Aunt Janet

"Should they be black?" - Uncle Mike
the buscuits!

"Oh gosh. I'm so glad pizza men don't really act like that." - Janny M
the pizza hut commerical w/ all dogs 2

Tuesday, July 8, 2003 -- hung out w/ stac & roshy... ddr came! i'm a maniac!!! early heights fair kicked a*s... can't wait to go backy!

"I love the way this C D player actually acts like a C D player." - Janny M
my old one didn't do so well (1 in blue)

"Ew, it tastes like a tree." - Roshy R
the new sprite

"It's going to get everywhere." "They have vaccuum." - Mom & Stacy M

"Do you bounce on walls? Well, maybe you do." - Mom

"I hate the way this guy encourages you." - Janny M

"Max combo twenty nine." "I only got nine." - Stacy M & Janny M

"Man. I hate people that don't spin their bear." - Janny M
we spin it really really fast!

"Why aren't people looking up here?" "Because they suck." - Janny M & Roshy R
we were screaming really loud, people usually look

"Alright, no more shoe talk... we're in front of the dude." - Stacy M
we always kick our shoes off on this 1 ride! it's cool!

"I got a C... that's not heroic." - Janny M

Monday, July 7, 2003 -- hung out & got some worky done, watched fight club w/ tricia, what a strange movie

"You want quotes or not?" - Roshy R

"I could just call his house, but I want to waste his minutes." - Janny M
calling pauls cell instead of his house

"One's Hunts, one's Heinz... they both begin with H." - Uncle Mike

"I can't figure out all these la's." - Janny M
alanis song

"Na uh. I perfected those lyrics!" - Janny M

"I wish I had purple hair so somebody could miss it." - Janny M
somewhere out there by our lady peace

"Oh, I know what I can do... apifany!" - Janny M

"Pictures of coins are over rated." - Janny M

"I like that concept." - Janny M

"They're porno." "Rewind it." - Tricia B & Janny M

"Look at those boobs!" - Tricia B

"Don't write that down. People already think I'm gay." - Tricia B

"She just made cookie dough and it was so weird." - Janny M

"Do I look okay?" "You look fine. I'm the one with the milk mustache." - Janny M & Roshy R

Sunday, July 6, 2003 -- hung out w/ tricia, deadzone w/ roshy

"They advertise on the nozzels?" - Janny M

"Yeah, I want that one and that one... does that one come in blue?" - Rachael A
talking about the guys hanging around the gb mall

"Adrian... with the hair." - Tricia B

"Ou, look at that icecream picture." - Janny M

"Do you know what's on this table?" - Tricia B

"There's a sprinkle I can't get to." - Janny M
getting the most out of my icecream

"It's a hat rack that was in need of a hat." - Tricia B
took my hat, again

"You always make fun of me for having cat fur." - Tricia B

"Look at it. It's so mesmarizing." - Janny M

"Shut up. I know." - Janny M

"It has a pull out potty thing, that's all I need." - Uncle Mike

"Oh, finally. Someone like me." - Janny M
people were waving to random cars like i do!

"I don't want to get wins unethically." - Tricia B

"That guy is ugly." "Yeah, who would marry him?" - Janny M & Tricia B
the guy on that sliced meat commercial, lol

"I wanna live in a place called Dulooth when I grow up." - Janny M

"That doesn't look like Baltimore... oh, yeah. It's Seattle. - Tricia B

"Wasn't this the E T music?" - Tricia B

"Looks computer animated to me." - Janny M

"They kinda are happy curtins, though." - Tricia B

"Uh, they would be shooting her... they're cops!" - Janny M

"Man, it's always murder with Monk." - Janny M

"Oh my God. That sucks." "Yeah, it does." - Janny M & Roshy R

Saturday, July 5, 2003 -- hung around, mike's party thingy w/ tricia!

"Door's not open. Go away." - Uncle Mike

"I was going for one of those bay watch things." - Janny M

"I wanna watch golf... ya know?" - Janny M

"So don't get a General Hagee." - Mary W
the playing cards had people on them

"This is how you're really supposed to play... she was just being stupid." - Tricia B

"Man, I have to spell out the names." - Janny M

"You're winning?" - Tricia B

"She's probably has a new love interest for the week." - Tricia B
talking about leslie

"Oh, wait. It has healthy stuff in it." - Tricia B
the icecream

"It's this mat... no, you're standing on the arrow." - Liz M

"Her boos are messing me up." - Janny M

"Did you just diss her dancing?" - Tricia B

"I like this carpet... Can I have it for my dorm room?" - Tricia B

"Oh, look... I'm doing something." - Tricia B

"You guys look like belly dancers." - Tricia B

"Is my mom asleep? I really hope so." - Mary W

"Oh, the fan is really blowing on me." - Janny M

"Paul, I'm in love with you, I wanna have your babies." - Janny M
he was playing ddr... cing if he pays attention

"Do I look like I'm on crack?" - Tricia B
she asked everyone

"That is the porn star one." - Tricia B

"No, you can't read it... it's in my handwriting." - Janny M
i couldn't make out some of the quotes

"Hey, not next to the dancers." - Paul H

"He doesn't like hot dogs? That's so un american." - Hack R

"This is a sexest deck." - Tricia B

"With our powers combined, we are captin D R." - Sars R

"Someone against playing with your balls?" - Erin W

"Oh, I didn't wear my really exciting shoes." - Janny M

"We should avoid organization all together, and have people scamper about randomly." - Sars R

"You're not going to die from it, so move on." - Phil D

"Why don't we make everyman's land instead of nomans land?" - Phil D

"Use the rake... it's fine." - Phil D
as a boundary for capture the flag

"I've been imprissoned almost an entire cigarette!" - Phil D

"What is that? The womans chair?" - Tricia B

"It's like her life, though." - Tricia B

"Just because I have over a hundred quotes a week, doesn't mean anything." - Janny M

"Is there that much to swallow?" "I don't know." - Janny M & Sara M
u don't wanna know

"A man. One man." - Tricia B

"Let's bomb them and call it freedom." - Tricia B

Friday, July 4, 2003 -- happy fourth! btw, many many more quotes were said, but since i didn't want my quotes sheet to get wet, i left it over pauls house... so all i gots was from memory

"Didn't I just sing this?" - Janny M

"More like the hundred dollar store." - Uncle Mike

"I found secret bear." "Thanks. Well, now it's not a secret." - Mom & Uncle Mike

"No, it won't. You leave the screen and it's gone." - Stacy M

"I told you, the balloon, the air... it messes with you." - Stacy M

"Now what?" "Watch out." - Janny M & Stacy M

"Nothing, I wanna be little." - Stacy M

"You get entertained over the stupidest stuff." - Janny M

"And you can't be little and have the cape." - Janny M

"Oh, yeah. We're going to go to concerts and all." - Aunt Janet
when her kids grow up

"Meow. I want food." - Paul H

"Yeah, aim it towards the house." - Dave S
fireworks... ouuuu ahhh

"Oh, yeah. It's fat free." - Mr Harich
talking about the dirt kinda cake & icing stuff, yumm

"How can water run? It doesn't have any legs." - Paul H
only paul

"You're to heavy. Lose some weight." - Janny M

"Aw, Buster. Don't eat it." - Mrs Harich

"Now that doesn't look right." - Janny M
u don't wanna know

"Why does it still smell like the bay?" - Janny M

"Oh, forget it. I'll try to think later." - Janny M
man, i really wish i brought quotes sheet... it was fun!

Thursday, July 3, 2003 -- out w/ print, roshy, and stac, mario bois & gyrls

"At least we're following them to Paul's house." - Janny M
this guy was fallowing us or something

"Look at all the traffic he's accumulating." - Janny M
the guy was sloooow

"I said a womans car." - Roshy R

"Paul, you wouldn't happen to have a brush, would you?" - Roshy R

"Wohoo! I skipped a half mile of traffic!" - Janny M
july 4th bridge traffic, what a bear

"Rochelle, you format yours totally different from me." - Janny M

"It doesn't say 'refills are not for free', it says 'Subway is a proud sponsor of the american heart walk'." - Stacy M

"It's mine to stroke." - Paul H

"The speed limit is forty. Drop to thirty five." - Stacy M

"Twenty five miles per hour! What are you trying to do? Kill us?" - Stacy M

"They're not high beams, they're my daytime running lights." - Paul H

"Come on. You have nothing else better to do than wave to me." - Janny M
i was waving to the people stuck in traffic

"That's so sad how I'm learning the words." - Janny M

"He's ramming you to get to me, you realize?" - Janny M

"Oh, attack me, why don't you? ...No, don't." - Janny M

"How can you waste it? It's air." - Roshy R

"How long has he been idle?" "Twenty four minutes and we've been gone six hours, fifety two minutes." - Janny M & Roshy R

"They must have seen us rocking out and thought 'hmm, I bet those people know where they're going'." - Stacy M
we like rock while we drive, it's funnnn

"You can't pick up the bottom ones... you'll fall through." - Stacy M

"You lose Yoshi... I've done it before." - Stacy M

"We still have some unfinished business here... we never connected it to the castle." - Stacy M

"Aw... I was trying to get the line." - Stacy M

"Please let me in... aww." - Stacy M

"That looked like a syncrinized swimming thing." - Janny M

"Haha. I knocked off your flower." - Stacy M

"That would be funny if the ends of those logs popped you." - Janny M

"Cause the big and tasty is really big... and tasty." - Stacy M

"No... it's not a major castle." - Stacy M

"Don't be just a coin." - Stacy M

"The switch blocks are just a luxary." - Janny M

Wednesday, July 2, 2003 -- wow, busy day, one thing after another! wanted 2 get home asap, but didn't work out that way

"I deserve to treat myself to a big fat bowl of ice cream." "Why?" "I don't know." - Roshy R & Janny M

"I never do that. I should do that." - Roshy R
hang up the phone just as the beep goes off

"That would be funny if she fell." "No, it would not." - Janny M & Roshy R

"Tickle, tickle, tickle... oh, that's not your foot." - Janny M

"I'm going to get a package in a few days, ya know?" "Yeah, me too." - Janny M & Dylan R

"It's sad, though. Lipstick is like six bucks a pop." - Aunt Janet

"She's a dork." "Yeah, but so am I, and you still hang out with me." - Janny M & Roshy R

"I like my letter, better." - Janny M

"It's so mean, yet so funny." - Stacy M

"I want a red fusion. You don't have anymore red fusions." - Janny M

"Crazier things have been done." - Janny M
i was washing my car in the rain

"Why do I have so many voice mails?" "Brian." - Janny M & Roshy R

Tuesday, July 1, 2003

"Okay, we'll use it on the back of the fmush paper." - Roshy R

"You actually have to put your foot on my foot for this to work." - Roshy R

"Do you know what I'm talking about?" "I wasn't there." - Aunt Janet & Uncle Mike

"I'll make something useful." - Lisa N
lol talking to rochelle

"Her pascifier purposly matches her outfit." - Aunt Janet

"Stop it. That chipmunk thing has to go." - Aunt Janet

"Sit back down... that's not a quote." - Aunt Janet

"Megan's like 'banana's or oreos'." "I know which one she'll pick." - Janny M & Aunt Janet

"He looks like a drug dealer." - Janny M
benjermin franklin w/ those big ass eyes

"I can transfer the three over to the four." - Janny M

"Ramsey residence... or not." - Janny M

"It's like one C D wasn't enough... now four C D's isn't enough." - Janny M
new car has 4 cd changer

"How long does it take to get a box?" - Carie F

"You're a crazy little girl." - Janny M

"I'm not a kid, I'm twenty years old." - Carie F

"My hair is all messed up, what am I going to do?" - Janny M

"Tape it? It gave me nightmares!" - Janny M
the hapka commercial, ouuuuh

"Oh my gosh. Look at this fool with his high beams on... blind us all." - Janny M

"I'll be in the car... no then they'll take forever." - Janny M

"Everybody and their brother should be sharing this file!" - Janny M
santana song, old old old & overplayed