Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« Tuesday, July 15, 2003Thursday, July 17, 2003 »

Currently displaying 22 quotes for this day.

Wednesday, July 16, 2003 -- out all day, out all night

"Beanie babies are D E D, dead. If they had real beans in them, I'd be eating mine." - Jim B

"Does D C 1 0 1 have good music?" "Yeah... they also have good commercials." - Janny M & Stacy M
as i flipped to it, there were commercials

"They're using alcohol. That's not very professional." - Jim B

"D... my computer science grade." - Janny M

"Are you trying to analyze my dream?" - Janny M

"This is Tricia's house." "Oh, I thought it was my house." - Janny M & Paul H

"Why?" "Cause it's dork some." - Janny M & Tricia B

"I can't see past his head." - Tricia B

"I'm turning around for no good reason." - Tricia B

"Guys, save that for the hotel room." - Tricia B

"Oh! I almost ran into that car!" - Tricia B

"Did you just say the boobs and the bees?" - Janny M

"Uh! I went there when I was dying." - Tricia B

"She won't make any moves. It's driving me crazy." - Tricia B

"Yeah. Paul can defrost me." - Janny M

"Yeah... it's by the Go Go's. Keep going." - Janny M

"She'll be back in a few minutes. But we should hide and make love somewhere." - Janny M

"There's a body in there." - Tricia B
there was a trashcan on the back of a car

"No, cause I want water cause water's free." - Janny M

"No one is seeing them tonight." - Janny M
u don't wanna know

"I've never heard butts be characterized as big screen T V's before." - Janny M

"Why do people always feel the need to scare people after they've said I know you're there?" - Tricia B