Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« Nov 2004Jan 2005 »

Currently displaying 44 quotes for this month.

Friday, December 31, 2004 -- new years eve! party @ david's!!!

"Make it look like I got her something good." - Janny M

"This is confusing... there's words on here." - Tricia B
the cards we were playing w/

"It's trying to be 'White Christmas'." - Janny M

"Paul, we were just talking about natural disasters, and then you showed up." - Leslie B

"The objective of spoons is to get a spoon." - Tricia B
news to me

"I'm glad I don't have to wear a dress." - Paul H

"Um, it's like naked men." - Leslie B

"Paul, keep the sun setting, okay?" - Leslie B

"But no sun comes through." - Leslie B

"Wow, where are your hands going?" - Leslie B

"Yeah, I wish you'd shut up." - Tricia B

Sunday, December 26, 2004 -- we had a harry pothead marithon w/ wortman

"Was that man ever young?" - Dr Dana W

"Kinda like something that was supposed to be fourteen inches." - Janny M

"Why does Aunt Ruth give me pens that don't work?" - Janny M

Friday, December 17, 2004

"Bang, bang, bang... banging like a tree." - Brian C

Tuesday, December 14, 2004 -- hung w/ seth & leslie for like the last time, all in riiiisk

"Oh no, too!" - Seth W

"Honestly, David, you hold the cards here." "What cards?" - Paul H & David E
i drove him out of asia

Sunday, December 12, 2004

"F**k you, Ptre." - Brian C

Saturday, December 11, 2004

"You have to call me your highness." - Leslie B

"Excuse me, I am not your bitch." - Leslie B

"There's a lot of countries in Africa." "No, there isn't... there's six." "Yeah, well in the real Africa." - Janny M & Seth W

"It'd be cool if I could put down a card." - Leslie B

"I'm sorry you guys, I really am." "Are you still talking?" - Janny M & Leslie B

"At least I have one thing above her, my weight." - Leslie B

"There was a miracle created recently for Leslie." "What? Fitting through a door?" - Brian C & Leslie B
she makes fun of herself

Thursday, December 9, 2004 -- risk w/ seth & leslie

"He can't really control it... the roles I mean." - Leslie B

"I was bought... he bought me." - Seth W

"So I think my fifth grade teacher knows..." - Leslie B

"Negative f**king five. - Seth W

"Don't touch me there, I don't want to get horny right now." - Leslie B

Monday, December 6, 2004

"Sex with gold is much better." - Dr Dana W

Saturday, December 4, 2004 -- risk!

"He's eating a penis!" - Leslie B

"Not everyone has penises on their continent." - Seth W

"People run into stuff all the time." "But not a house!" - Seth W & Leslie B
i think we were talking about billy joel

Friday, December 3, 2004

"Wow, technology..." - Dr Slemmer
we're all going to miss his class

Thursday, December 2, 2004 -- obviously seth & leslie came over!

"It's a news site... would they lie on the news?" - Janny M

"Why do you always ask Seth to touch your penis?" - Leslie B

"Atkins stuff..." "You bastard." - Janny M & Allan B
what bri wanted to get allan for christmas

"Brian, your hair looks like Harry Potter... all crinkly and stuff." - Leslie B

"Guys versus girls." "Then what team will Seth play on?" - Brian C & Leslie B

"Hey, is Mom in bed yet?" "Oh, my!" - Brian C & Leslie B

"I don't think Janis has a deep voice like that." - Leslie B

"I need some single men." - Leslie B
she doesn't have enough?

Wednesday, December 1, 2004

"Don't get up there, you're going to fall and sue me." - Dr Slemmer