Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« Feb 2012Apr 2012 »

Currently displaying 102 quotes for this month.

Saturday, March 31, 2012 -- uncle george & tom came over to wash the house, went over tricia & travis' to hang out & visit

"The man's f**king ninety. He was seventy when I was a kid." - Uncle George
our lawyer

"Knowing my luck, it would be a counterfeit ticket." - Uncle George
if he had the winning lottery ticket

"I got a bagel with cream cheese." "You can't f**k that up." - Tom G & Uncle George

"Ten years ago we were too busy drinking." - Travis B
to notice nice kitchens

"Something did something..." - Tricia B

"Mommy's a mess. Isn't she?" - Travis B
talking to cece

"We plant lettuce but we have bunnies... It gets big... and then it's gone." - Tricia B
bunnies eat lettuce

"I'm just no good at it. That's the guy's excuse." - Tricia B

"Speaking of boobs..." - Tricia B

"Oh gross." "I know." - Janny M & Tricia B

"I can only do three." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M

"How do you end it? ...End?" - Tricia B
the phone call on their new phone

Friday, March 30, 2012 -- work, game night w/ seth & jake, chinese, mexican train, risk, catan, etc

"Doesn't my knee taste good?" - Seth W

"Don't listen to her. Go braless." - Seth W
he was talking to bri

"How much of a dick? ...Are we talking Cheney dick?" - Jake T

"F**k." "S**t." "Balls." - Brian C & Janny M & Jake T

"Freedom?" - Seth W
jake freed him in mexican train

"We know you don't have a huge bone." - Seth W

"Jeez. Show everyone I have China. Ruined my entire strategy." - Seth W
bri was dealing out the first cards of the game (risk)

"Just close the deal." "I know you're like Mitt Romney here." - Seth W & Janny M

"Seth can take Asia." - Jake T (pic)
seth is in red

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"I just sent this to confuse you but you weren't confused." - Wynne G

Sunday, March 25, 2012 -- went up to see aunt ruth

"I could have swore I heard one of the nurses say, 'She's a tough old bird.'" - Aunt Ruth

Saturday, March 24, 2012 -- jeanie borrowed the truck & got pizza for us & hung out, pinochle @ BH

"Let's not discriminate. He collected a lot of different things..." - Drew B
my dad's many roommates

"Unless you had a bad-ay." - Jeanie B
never know how to spell b-day

"I'm staying out of this one..." - Drew B
bri and i were arguing about lawn mowing




Friday, March 23, 2012 -- work, hung out with kurt & mike, dinner, played catan all night

"At least we get to look outside." "Oh yes! I'm so please and happy we get to look outside and I'm happy for those who get to be outside today." - Janny M & Peter F
it was a beautiful day outside, but we were in the office

"Sounds like me. What do you need sown?" - Mike O
he sows

"It was a yellow car, it was literally a lemon." - Kurt W
their yellow car was a lemon

"Thank you." - Cindy O
she got hit with the robber than mike decided to steal a card

"I give her her grandma wing." - Mike O
his mom

"Well you have to roll first." "That's dangerous." - Brian C & Kurt W
he had more than 7 cards in his hand

"They have to be the... same... thing..." "Dork." - Janny M & Kurt W
explaining the game to mike again

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 -- work, dimitri came over to chill and work on mobamasticker

"If you guys have a lot of time to burn, you should watch the Never Ending Story." - Dimitri D

"But there's still gonna be Asians driving in those lanes..." - Dimitri D
when 495 road construction stops, they'll still be traffic

"They need to have an A O L lane... Asian's only lane..." - Dimitri D

"Cause all that shit's hoochie." - Dimitri D

"I'm like 'do not walk in there clothed'." - Dimitri D

Saturday, March 17, 2012 -- BH, played volleyball & pinochle later, bbq




Friday, March 16, 2012 -- work, hung out with mike & kurt, played games, drinks

"You're benched." - Kurt W
sammy was being bad so he put him on the couch

"I went a little Girl Scout crazy..." - Mike O
he bought 10 boxes of cookies

"I had a brain moment..." - Mike O

"What are you gonna do? Scoop me?" - Mike O
she had a cake server

"Not very impressive, I know." - Kurt W
he put 5 points down

"He gives up quickly. He's like 'this is s**t'." - Kurt W
sammy who plays tug with leah, their lab

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"If I'm not here tomorrow it's because I shot myself." - Julia G
her controller wasn't working and she couldn't figure out why

Sunday, March 11, 2012 -- visited aunt ruth, then uncle george, then aunt janet, then get the candi at bri's parents... full day!

"That's us in therapy." - Aunt Ruth
an exercise commercial where they're all buff

"He's gonna look like a beaver and open beer cans." - Uncle George
bri without no teeth except for his front two

"At least I thought they were bigger." "That's what she said." - Uncle George & Janny M
the hot dogs when he was a kid

"This f**king table is unstable!" - Uncle George
it rhymes!

"It's like an adventure." "Yeah, an adventure up s**t mountain." - Janny M & Uncle George

Saturday, March 10, 2012 -- went to mt vernon with mike & kurt & cindy & bri, later dinner with rachel and gang at the rio, mexican train & drinks to follow

"But you'll float well on a salty lake." - Kurt W

"That skirt and everything is gone." - Mike O
getting sammy (their cockerspanial) trimmed

"There's supposed to be an old tomb over there." - Cindy O
maybe the tomb of washington?

"She b***hes a lot. I'm as far right as I can go." - Mike O
the gps kept saying 'keep right'

"So are you trying to say she's a big woman?" - Kurt W
mike's coworker rachel, who wasn't big

"I know where you work... for now." - Mike O
threatening rachel who just quit

"It's not a large enough object." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M

"We kind of condone it." - Mike O
calling each other names during mexican train

"She looks at you and the lights are on but no one's home." - Mike O
leah, their dog

"And I advise you to think very carefully." - Mike O
about her next move

"Happy birthday." - Kurt W
mike got a lot of points and was now in last

"That's okay. No it's not." - Mike O
kurt's move

"Aw, yeah. Take that, life!" - Rachel I
she got a lot of points

"I'm going to wake up and be like, 'I can't complete it'." - Rachel I
you dream about mexican train

Friday, March 9, 2012 -- work, dropped candi off at the in-laws, played pinochle





Sunday, March 4, 2012 -- saw aunt ruth at her new diggs with aunt janet, hand uncle neil & aunt terissa over for dinner

"And it has a popcorn button!" "So does hers." - Janny M & Aunt Janet
we had our microwave for 10 years, aunt janet's relative only had hers for 5

"I wish I had a dirty joke to tell you." - Aunt Ruth
always the entertainer

"Well I didn't see you in two weeks." "Well that's your loss." - Janny M & Aunt Ruth

"Corn burns." - Uncle Neil
aunt terissa started a fire by putting taco shells in the toaster oven

"Maybe Jason should be a dentist." - Terrisa H
how much money they make

"We live in the country. We ain't no city folk." - Uncle Neil
talking about animals around their house

"Her fur is really soft. She'd make a great hat." - Terrisa H
their cat

"Why is it always I have to do it?" "It's your present!" - Uncle Neil & Terrisa H
hang the bat house uncle neil got as a christmas present

"Why do you keep a picture of your child in your checkbook?" - Uncle Neil

Saturday, March 3, 2012 -- hung out with shawn & jen, went out to applebees, drank, saw their new house

"If she's working, I can't call her." - Shawn R
jen's sister works at a restaurant we were looking to go to

"This isn't the boonies." "Yeah, we got a Walmart!" - Jen R & Shawn R

"Why are we talking about my boobs?" - Jen R

"Legally Blonde and Legally Blonde Two? Really?" "Those are Jen's." - Brian C & Shawn R

"Just bring it down here." - Shawn R
the baby monitor charger since the monitor was ready to run out of batteries

Friday, March 2, 2012 -- work, hung out with uncle george where he got the 10,000th quote!

"I knew we shouldn't have let her stay in this meeting." - Kathy W
i was pointing out more issues

"We're gonna have a discussion if my bank is gone." - Brian C
if i destroyed his bank in paradise island

"What is it?" "It's an American!" - Brian C & Uncle George (pic)

"Oh man. This guy's got a fake blower. I got his a*s." - Uncle George Janny Favorite
THE 10,000TH QUOTE!!!! refering to his car people are going to think it's fake

"It's an engine." "Thank you." - Janny M & Uncle George
he always corrects people when they say motor

"If I drive it... sober..." - Uncle George
he will win

"No, I'm not. I'm just a redneck." - Uncle George

"A M radio. Gotta have it." - Uncle George
the car he's fixing up has an am radio

"Oh, Christ. I was having a good day." - Uncle George
james walked in

"There's too many inaccuracies to address." - Brian C
dave was talking nonsense about the middle east

"I'll be in there with Bubba and Bubba looks horny." - Uncle George
in jail for whatever reason

"Oh right. You're ready to run cigarettes to New York." - Uncle George

"Don't ask me to pick up dog s**t." "You don't pick up dog s**t anyway." - Uncle George & Kim Mo

"Kuwait was part of Iraq. Not f**king Saudi Arabia." - Brian C