Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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Currently displaying 86 quotes for this month.

Saturday, April 28, 2012 -- wynne's/jennifer's birthday cookout party! clue, drinks, etc

"I got a call from 'Elect Romney'... I was like 'you're so calling the wrong house'." - Wynne G

"Um... Can you pull the head off?" - Wynne G
jennifer's toy to put the colar on

"Two thousand square yards? Speak English." - Wynne G

"I guess it was kind of confusing to listen..." - Tom Ch
he missed a guess and could have thrown off the game

"Would you like it back on fire?" - Janie W
wynne was taking pictures of the cakes

"Hold the cake and smile for God's sake." - Wynne G

"Completely off topic, but..." - Tom Ch
side story

"Is that official? Janis is the old phone?" - Wynne G
jennifer was playing with the ring tones

Friday, April 27, 2012 -- work, outback w/ mike & kurt & co, catan, trianimos

"Think of a diamond in the rough..." - Mike O
a house they looked at

"Your car's gonna be outside." - Mike O
his mom's car since their cars will be in the garage

"Isn't California nice?" "Yes." "No!" - Janny M & Kurt W & Mike O

"You're full of sheep." - Kurt W
playing catan

"Wait. I got five... no six..." "Nine!" - Mike O & Brian C

Thursday, April 26, 2012

"I thought Honda's lasted forever." "Not this one..." - Janny M & Brie Be
peter's old honda civic

"I'm American. We stab things." - Girl At Sarku 4/26/2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012 -- work, meeting about project, almost ready to leave meeting

"That sounds like work, Kent..." - Wynne G

"I know exactly where I am... Where am I?" - Wynne G

"What kind of neighborhood do you live in?" - Kent L
kurt's stories about his neighbor

"We'd have empty websites if we said 'no'." - Wynne G
if we said no to the people in charge of content

"I don't wanna play Scrabble!" - Wynne G
her friend wants to play scrabble on fb

"Crackers are a goner." - Wynne G
her crackers were soggy and soft

Monday, April 23, 2012 -- work, good bye lunch for Jeanie

"I will get something to drink. Something non alcoholic, of course." - Wynne G

"How can she be dehydrated? She just sits at home all day." - Wynne G
her dog was dehydrated

Sunday, April 22, 2012 -- went to see aunt ruth & later uncle george

"If you're drunk, you won't hit any of them." - Uncle George

"I'm not around chasing donut shacks or whatever." - Uncle George
what cops do

"Brand new." "It was brand new before." - Janny M & Uncle George
the carborator was leaking, it was the new seal

Saturday, April 21, 2012 -- went over bh for pinochle, top golf w/ erin & b for his b-day, drinks, dinner, etc

"Aw snap. Birthday jokes." - Bear M
we asked him how many times he's turned 29

"I'll take this out and maybe you'll get hungry looking at it." - Erin L
the german chocolate cake for b's birthday

"Do you guys wanna offer the next table over birthday cake... Would that be weird?" - Erin L

"You missed it..." - Bear M
erin missed hitting the ball... he's asking to be hit

"You're on the other team. You don't get a kiss." - Bear M

"But we're in the game, how do we end the game?" "Uh, 'End Game'." - Erin L & Bear M
there was an end game button

"Good luck, Brian." "S**t." - Brian C & Bear M
bri was talking trash

"It doesn't matter what I do anymore cause we already won." - Erin L

"I told you not to wear shorts." "No you didn't." "You're right but I was thinking it." - Janny M & Brian C

"Oh no. I loved that butter dish!" - Erin L
their butter dish broke

"You're like old, you don't have a lot of s**t." - Erin L
old people who do nothing but cruise

"Does he think it's a black person thing because it was invented by a white person." - Erin L

Thursday, April 19, 2012 -- work, went down to bda with dawn & jon & jeff & dave, mexican place, ice cream & ping pong, beer of course

"Who doesn't text?" "Jeff..." - Janny M & Dawn B
stone age...

"Where's their house in D C? Have I seen it?" - Dave N
where obama lives in dc

"When do you embark on your new journey?" "Uh, which one?" - Dawn B & Jeff D
he has several exciting journey's ahead of him

"Dave here has to go to a job..." - Jeff D
jeff just quit his job that day

"You're lucky that's a good song." - Dave N
i made a reference to petshop boy's westend girls

"It was cream of broccoli... That's still a vegetable." - Dave N

"Didn't you have the cops wake you up one morning?" "I was fully clothed." - Jeff D & Dave N

"What the? ...Thanks." - Jon B
dawn messed him up by putting the puck back on the table

Sunday, April 15, 2012



Friday, April 13, 2012 -- work, went over kurt & mike's, italian place, catan & rummy-like game

"Everybody ends up happy at the end. What's wrong with that?" - Peter F
in chick flicks

"They scatter. Like when you turn the light on roaches." - Mike O
people in crosswalks when you look like you're ready to run them over

"I would have gotten a wood." - Mike O
wood have...

"It's alright. I'm still dressed." - Mike O
he took off his belt which i said was indecent

"That'll work..." - Mike O
the card he got

"What do you think I have?" - Mike O
he had nothing but an ore

"I don't want to listen to her talking about her poop." - Cindy O

Sunday, April 8, 2012 -- aunt ruth turned 87!!! easter with family

"No money?" - Aunt Ruth
in her birthday card

"That's what they used to say at the Chinese laundry... 'No ticket, no shirt'... Really they used to say that." - Aunt Ruth

"Bring them home to get nice and hard." "That's what she said." - Aunt Ruth & Janny M
the cupcakes

"Are you on a leash?" - Stacy M (pic)
her bed was on a leash

"I feel like a hoarder." - Roshy R
she keeps all her text messages

"I think I'm pregnant." - Uncle Mike
he ate too much

Saturday, April 7, 2012 -- went with Seth to see Titanic 3D in annapolis, went to Friday's first, waiting so long for this day

"I'm not on all the time." - Seth W
making quotes

"You look up 'soon' in the dictionary and you wouldn't find T G I Friday's." - Janny M
our food took its time

"You look like a student." "I know. That's what I thought." - Janny M & Seth W
his teacher id

"How long did it take to sink? That's all I want to know." - Seth W
wikipedia gives you the run around when you want to know facts

"Damn White Star Line. They make s**ty a*s ships." - Seth W
and now they're carnival, lol

"Can we stay away from porn quotes, shall we?" - Seth W
he said a good one

"Don't quote the second one..." - Seth W
the second porn quote

"We're going down in quality here..." - Seth W
seeing a youtube video we went from laptop to kindle to phone

Friday, April 6, 2012 -- work, went for thai with kurt, mexican train

"Oh, I know a good native American one as we walk out..." - Kurt W
we were telling jokes

"Bri you're untrained." "No, I'm not." - Janny M & Brian C
i untrained him but then he got trained again

Tuesday, April 3, 2012 -- work, went over erin & brian's for dinner & hang out

"If she gets home and dinner's not on the table..." "That's f**ked." - Brian C & Bear M

"Moist... I love that word." - Bear M

"I don't know if garlic rots..." - Erin L

"We're done with white people. We're over them." - Erin L

"Friend saved!" - Erin L
she had to fire her friend but then they did it for her

"Actually I'll make the story longer since it'll be more fun." - Erin L

"Ugh. I would eat them bad." - Erin L

"There's nothing in that Bailey's bottle." "I know. It looks good though." - Erin L & Bear M
he put it on top of the fridge

"I love boobs." - Bear M

"I don't like washed up actress's boobs." - Erin L

"He's so short that it looks childish." - Erin L
tom cruise in whity tightys

"It looks like brown c*m." - Bear M
his gravy

"The ten republicans who show up to vote." - Erin L
in the dc primary

Sunday, April 1, 2012

"A Volvo with no emblems is still a Volvo." - Brian C (pic)
the volvo had no emblems

"I'm going to go look at my baby's swollen head." - Kate C