Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« Aug 2014Oct 2014 »

Currently displaying 80 quotes for this month.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014 -- work, irockville happy hour

"Except he did it..." - Tim M
OJ, if he did it

"You can take my pulse, anytime, nurse!" - Tim M
our waitress is training to be a nurse

"Look at my baby." - Tim M
i think he was talking about his phone

"People still have C D's?" - Tim M

"They're like the Mexican's of England..." - Tim M
the irish

"Stupid American tourist... it's like I know..." - Tim M
how stupid we americans are when we go to other countries

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Friday, September 26, 2014 -- work, game night over megan & matt's, played pompeii & powergrid

"Oh please, come out smooth." - Megan Wi
she prays on the toilet

"I gotta put on some real shoes." - Matt Wi
him & bri were going to the store to get ice cream

"We don't need to see any of those home videos you guys have been making." - Brian C

"That's what happens because you cheated." - Megan Wi
matt had bad karma

"You haven't been funny." "What?" - Janny M & Megan Wi

"The dead prostitute wants the fifties." - Megan Wi
teasing me about what i want to be for halloween

"If you want a more private experience you can go to the bedroom." - Megan Wi

Wednesday, September 24, 2014 -- work, game night over megan & matt's, played this pirate game that was fun

"I'd so be like, 'listen bitches'." - Megan Wi

"You have to go through Blue Balls to get to Intercourse." - Megan Wi
notice how they're capitalized... they're cities in PA

"Yep. I got that. I'll just wait until you move... mhmmm." - Megan Wi

"Not feeling so hot, are ya?" - Megan Wi

"Let me see how much my pirate can move... Yummy!" - Megan Wi

"I'm about to f**k your world up." - Megan Wi

"I have freaky winds. I can do whatever I want." - Matt Wi

"I'm gonna f**k your world up." - Megan Wi

Tuesday, September 23, 2014 -- work, saw sara & ricky & brett in annapolis! went to gordon bierch & chatted, it was good seeing them :)

"Oh, she lost all her teeth. She fits in Dundalk." - Sara G

"She was the one taking all the..." "Photographs?" - Ricky B & Brett H

"Just change the vacuum bag..." - Ricky B

"I have the bra one." - Sara G
fit bit

"I didn't shower but I at least changed my shirt." - Sara G

"He'd have to go blind but then I'd feel bad." - Brett H

"And I couldn't find my pants..." - Sara G
telling a story

"I don't know why I had to many health problems." - Sara G
all she ate back in high school was cold ravioli

"Made out of cans?" "No. Made out of mansion things." - Brett H & Ricky B

"I've had some fake clearances before." - Ricky B

"We learned flash together, by the way, in your bedroom." - Ricky B
ricky and i did

Saturday, September 20, 2014 -- hung out with uncle george, beer, cigars, yea

"Never tipped no cows." - Frank H

"I like this stick. I might hang it up in the garage." - Uncle George
shelby had a stick she wouldn't give to uncle george

"It centers at the jewels." - Uncle George

"My generation?" - Kim Mo
the cuban embargo happened a few years before she was born

"And she's spitting on my saw and she's getting electrocuted." - Uncle George

Friday, September 19, 2014 -- work, beer tasting party!

"Thirty kids... Why are you having a small glass?" - Peter Zz

"Wait until we go on groupon." - Salmon S
he teaches classes for companies

"I take bit coin." - Salmon S

"If there's not beer involved, there's no incentive to teach it." - Salmon S
he teaches in different cities & tries their beer

"I'll get into how they 'brew' in a minute..." - Salmon S
a 42% beer

Saturday, September 13, 2014 -- visited aunt ruth; pho with jon & dawn; small world later

"So watch your drinking." "That's your liver." - Aunt Ruth & Brian C
aunt ruth was saying take care of your kidneys

"I don't know if I'd go that low." - Jon B
40 is the new 20

"Oh yeah she talks about that at every physical. I'm like I ain't doing none of that." - Jon B

"No... it wasn't we." - Jon B

"We could have cut her off... it was too late, though." - Jon B
me at union jacks a while back

"It's what didn't we drink." - Dawn B
true that... one crazy night

"Why are you helping her? She just killed you." - Jon B
dawn helping me in small world

Friday, September 12, 2014 -- work; finally saw k & m; dinner & drinks & cah

"So have you started walking around naked yet?" "No." "Oh, yes we have." - Brian C & Mike O & Kurt W
now that cindy has moved out

"Don't make fun of my robot." - Kurt W

"Where'd the wood come from?" "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M

"I'm actually gonna go with boogers." - Kurt W

"That's a good position." - Mike O

"Well we knew you were a beached whale. What were you in the..." - Janny M
what was mike's card... it's a joke

"Why would you wanna forget them?" - Kurt W
mormon choire

"If all else fails I can always masturbate to... Shebah would win." - Mike O

"Three months in the hole... who's hole?" - Kurt W

"Firey poops." - Kurt W

"I've been watching poop, too so don't worry." - Mike O

"You're gonna f**k an A?" - Kurt W

"Inn... think about an inn that you stay in." - Kurt W

Thursday, September 11, 2014 -- work, hung out w/ erin & bear, did noodles & co, ice cream, ravens game

"Ugh, you're worse than me and I have a reason." - Erin L
bear was in the bathroom too long

"That's a fact, right?" - Erin L

"When their team plays, they play." - Bear M
trying to explain fantasy football to erin

"Seriously? Who are you playing for?" - Erin L
bear helped erin's mom on words with friends & gave her a triple word score

"They didn't point at his penis and put up a rape stat." - Bear M

"I don't wish injuries on players but leg cramps..." - Bear M

"He was Miles off..." - Bear M
miles almost caught the ball

Wednesday, September 10, 2014 -- work, game night, played bedpans and broomsticks (weird game)

"Are you color blind?" - Matt Wi
megan thought a white woman was black

"She's Latino." - Janny M
her skin was kind of darkish

"Oh yeah, I stacked the deck..." - Janny M

"Designer flip flops?" - Matt Wi
ray rice got his wife's flip flops after the elevator

"I have to manscape." - Megan Wi

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"When I weigh in, I'm stripping." - Megan Wi
for her weight loss challenge at work

Sunday, September 7, 2014 -- went to marlana's house to watch the football games

"It was not that hard." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M

"F**king redneck hook up." - Marlana R
she had an extension cord to charge her iphone

"Did you see this picture? ...It's not a naked one..." - Marlana R

"F**k that for her birthday... I'll do that for us!" - Marlana R
a moon bounce with a tv