Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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Currently displaying 81 quotes for this month.

Thursday, December 31, 2015 -- work; nye in downtown annapolis; met up with seth & maradith; bar hopping but bri forgot his id :(

"Wait. I got the red one. I hope yours isn't red." - Jeff D

"It was a test. You need to drink more." - Jeff D

"I got plenty of cock." - Brian C

"She's not bad. I'd have to drink more." - Jeff D

"One... two... you're right. Three comes next." - Jeff D

"I had my fruit for the year." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M
in his drink

"No, no. More important let's see that video again..." - Jeff D
robbin thicke video with boobs; blurred lines

"Why do you need alcohol to charge your phone?" - Jeff D

"I don't know what you're doing with your tongue." - Jeff D

"I don't mind punching you." - Jeff D

Saturday, December 26, 2015 -- day after christmas over uncle george's; saw james

"Thanks, Trace. You know, winter is coming." - Uncle George

"Mom, why are you so cheesy?" - Patrick M

"They kicked me out of boy scouts." - Ryan Mo

"They don't have as much horsepower as you." "In a Prius?" - Ryan Mo & Janny M
why people in the dc area drive so slow

"Change your name to Meg Ryan." - Stacy M
so people can't find me when they google me

"You would have know if I got to second base. It wouldn't be a drive by." - Uncle George

"He's got the spirit." - Uncle George

"She's calling all the plays now." - Patrick M
his mom, kim

Thursday, December 24, 2015 -- took the day off; over kurt & mike's for holiday fun

"We're putting you right there." - Kurt W (pic)
to me; a chair aloof from the table they were sitting

"Did it come with replacement balls?" - Janny M
mike bought bingo

"Because it was sixty nine and you were thinking about something else." - Kurt W
missed a number

"I was owning it." - Mike O
his bra when we went zip lining

"They were in the ball sacks?" - Kurt W

"It's so small... well that's what she said." - Mike O

Monday, December 21, 2015 -- meeting at work; holiday party at work; hung out w/ jeff

"Jeff, you can't see it but I'm making quotation fingers." - Layla S
talking to another jeff on the phone

"Good heavens, of course I shop online." - Bryan S

"If I say something negative that means it's over." - Jeff D
about his dates

Friday, December 18, 2015 -- work; bernie light bergade; star wars in fredrick w/ shawn & jen & bri & jeff

"Jeff, they can't see them if you keep sucking on them." - Jeff D
showing people boobs

"You with your plaid shirt." "Yeah, that's what all the Jedi's wear." - Janny M & Jeff D

"These look like jeans but they're my legs. I have none." - Jeff D

"Yeah, that's not how it goes." - Jeff D
disney cruises aren't good

"Oh, doing coke and slutting around?" - Jeff D

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

"Are you questioning me about my skill set?" - Layla S
if the cmmi interviews got rowly

Monday, December 14, 2015

"And that nobody becomes chair for life, like, say, the president of Uganda." - Bryan S
how we do our eocc meetings

"So we'd have drinks and have the meeting afterward... or during the drinks..." - Bryan S

Saturday, December 12, 2015 -- james' welcome home party!

"What's his name?" "Mothy." - Janny M & Uncle George
his pet moth

"Looked like he never ate!" - Uncle George

"I even took a shower for you." - Uncle George
he wanted a hug from a neighbor

"That Nova? I wouldn't even make that a garbage truck." - Uncle George

Friday, December 11, 2015 -- work; hung out w/ shawn & jen; firepit; had a debate with the pizza girl

"I'm surprised they trust you with a car." - Shawn R
jen; or crash is what we call her

"I'm aging myself because of school!" - Kelly H
looking down all the time puts lines on your neck

"I like your stick." - Jen R
to shawn

"I'd learn ya real good." - Shawn R
if he taught kelly

"I'm just like way off the grid with s**t." - Kelly H

"Um, Johnny drug addict." - Shawn R
johnny manzel

"Hey, f**k you." - Kelly H
she told bri; even though they just met that night

"There are these rods between the inflatables..." - Shawn R

"I feel something wet." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M

"This tribal council is called to order." - Shawn R
we had a fire & he had a big stick

"Come on, Jen, come on. My balls are getting cold." - Shawn R
trying to give jen the goat

"My balls are too cold." - Shawn R
he had to put it away before she came out

"It's warm out here. Thanks for the wood." - Janny M

"No. They got a lot more wood than that." - Jen R

Wednesday, December 9, 2015 -- work; company holiday party

"There's no good way to talk about that, really." "What? Nazis?" - Janny M & David Ga

"I T does not know how to party." - Layla S
it left the party early

"The audits are going to get really dirty." - Kristin K
a white elephant gift was hand sanatizer

"So here's my version of the story..." - David Ga
i told a story then david told his version

"Mrs. K's whorehouse?" - David Ga

"And there were whoredourves..." - David Ga

Sunday, December 6, 2015 -- saw aunt ruth; went over aunt janet's for the games

"Cause we're older now..." - Aunt Janet

"Oh, whatever..." - Aunt Janet

"I got like twenty Pacers on my team!" - Aunt Janet
her fantasy team

"Have you ever had it? It's disgusting. You should try it." - Roshy R

"It's like the name of an album. Racoon in my back yard." - Roshy R

"Sounds like a poem." - Janny M
aunt janet reading what animal control says about racoons

"Oh, it's between the yellow poles." - Uncle Mike
gould missed :(

"My grandmother could have caught that!" - Uncle Mike
dropped interception

"Go for his spleen!" - Dylan R

"There's the Philadelphia team I know and love." - Uncle Mike
they made a mistake

"Why are these really hard?" "That's what she said." - Aunt Janet & Janny M

"I have no life so good for me." - Aunt Janet
if they do tuesday night football

"Cheese bricks." - Aunt Janet

"Where's the flag? Brady tripped!" - Uncle Mike

Friday, December 4, 2015 -- work; kurt & mike; pizza & mexican train with the boys

"Why Wiki doesn't have a tail?" - Mario G

"I'm not paying attention and that's my problem." - Brian C

"Hard, you spanked one hard with that five." - Mike O

"All the fours are out unfortunately." "Haha. Un-four-tunately?" - Brian C & Janny M

"I'll go down now." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M

"I only had ones in my hand..." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Janny M

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

"Where's my equal representation?" - Jeff D
they didn't have transgender options

"Ketchup? I got some in the fridge." - Jeff D
i told him to wait up so i can catch up