Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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Currently displaying 93 quotes for this month.

Friday, July 31, 2020 -- took the day off! played jackbox games!

"If there's not enough bounce then they're fake." - Arlene A

"...And then you could make it pop up..." - Arlene A
keep yelling surrender dorothy during sex

"I'm 'die Matt die.' I'm not 'kill Matt.'" - Stacy M

"We're supposed to kill Matt not kill kill Matt." - Stacy M
refer to the above quote

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

"I'm more allergic to my air conditioning." - Helen E
than the smoke from the fire

"Well I can't quote the naked one..." - Janny M
helen's naked story

"Unions are more important than sex." - Helen E

"I need to describe it in boomer language..." - Helen E
how to delete a tweet to her mom

Sunday, July 26, 2020 -- sunday night jackbox night

"That would be really hard to do." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Damion _
record the time in my quotes

"I'm gonna call you up... twelve O one. Say some dumb s**t." - Damion _
so he can get the first quote of the year

"My brain is trained to read porn instead of prom." - Stacy M

"I don't know if that's a thing but I wouldn't want it in my hair." - Stacy M
dog semen

"I was in a hurry." - Damion _
he spelled your wrong

"I like that. Someone's not from America." "Bonjour." - Diana W & Damion _
i spelled color colour

"Yeah, guys I'm at a sausage fest right now." - Damion _
he was eating a sausage

"You big ass?" "That's me!" - Damion _ & Diana W
we all use sexual names in jackbox

Saturday, July 25, 2020 -- saturday night is dominion night with heidi!

"Because you know when you drink vodka, I have fun!" - Heidi C
i.e. she wins in dominion :)

"Here little girl. Want some candy?" - Heidi C
she gave me a curse

"I do have a lot of hair all over my body." "I didn't want to be the one to say anything." - Brian C & Heidi C

"I need to beat Heidi. How do I do that?" "That's gonna take years of work, Brian." - Brian C & Heidi C

"Well this is s**ty... This is just s**t." "Janny, how do you feel about it?" - Janny M & Heidi C

Friday, July 24, 2020 -- wfh; fun friday night jackbox game night w/ the usual peeps; also played dominion w/ matt until late

"You have to sleep... I can't sleep while listening to that. I'll be hoping around." - Arlene A
a sleep study listening to taylor swift music; split the room

"That's a long time." - Matt Wi
a month to poop in your mom's shoes so she won't die; split the room

"Nice job, Slip." - Stacy M
someone's name was nip slip and they worked that into their answer

"How expensive is this meal?" - Matt Wi
free meal but you have to be seen masturbating

"Is it coming out or going in?" - Stacy M
bri's drawing of poop near a vagina

"I'm not voting for that spoon." - Stacy M
spoon at ikea; trivia

"Those people are never going to heaven." - Stacy M
people who mash their crackers in their soup

"You know what? I haven't talked to her in a long time..." - Stacy M
our grandmother... sharing an atm story; our grandmother died when we were little

"Are you f**king kidding me? I just drew five gold..." - Matt Wi
matt was drunk, he meant 5 copper; bri made us discard with militia

"I had thirty seven money..." - Matt Wi
bri hit with militia again

"Wait. How are you giving me Coppers?" - Matt Wi
i kept saying copper to mat since i was playing the miser card

"I'm only gonna do it a couple of times." "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M
play his leprechaun

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Saturday, July 18, 2020 -- dominion w/ heidi!

"I thought you guys might want a bird." "Thanks." - Janny M & Heidi C
i gave them curses

"I don't know, I'm never buying one of those again." - Heidi C

"That was a little premature maybe." "That's what she said." - Heidi C & Brian C

"They seem fun when you're the one embargoing." - Heidi C

Friday, July 17, 2020 -- wfh; typical friday night jackbox games!

"Well I already have that." - Ryan Mar
explosive diarrhea with anal leakage

"Ship or get off the pot, Matt." - Stacy M
starting joke boat

Thursday, July 16, 2020 -- wfh; went over helen's for some drinks and a safe chat

"That doesn't surprise me out of the D S A." "Well it was the council but actually it's both." - Brian C & Helen E

"When do you ever say anything other than 'we're f**ked?'" - Helen E

"Well I heard it from a former Redskins cheerleader..." "Well that's completely legit." - Brian C & Janny M

"Get your hands off my balls!" - Helen E
stuff around her porch

"I take very good care of my balls." - Helen E
stuff around her porch

"You want me to have bisexual sex with Heidi?" - Helen E

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 -- wfh; last minute jackbox games with a bunch of peeps

"Is dat ass and poopies friends?" "Now we are." - Damion _ & Diana W

"That kiddy never had a chance." - Damion _
one of his answers

"I think there's room for one more." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Damion _
in the jackbox room

"Don't over think it, Janny." - Damion _
if the nra would live if i fell and landed on them

"It's roots and then a canal." - Brittney H
drawful; trying to draw root canal

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

"They should just call it f**k yourself at bah dot com." - Eric W
having trouble with getting his loaner laptop

Saturday, July 11, 2020 -- saturday night dominion night until 4 AM!!!

"That's how I feel about peaches!" - Heidi C
i never know when avocaddos are ready

"You know what? F**k all of you." - Heidi C
i started attacking asap

"I don't know how I'm gonna win this game." "You're probably not gonna win this game." - Janny M & Heidi C

"That's sexy." "That is very sexy, Brian." - Janny M & Heidi C
if bri did the bed sheets

"How are you guys doing so badly?" "Okay. You have three... So before you throw yourself a party..." - Janny M & Heidi C

"I'm his mother but also his wife..." - Heidi C

"Okay. I'm turning on the water." - Heidi C

"I didn't know you could go negative eleven." "You can go worse than that..." - Janny M & Heidi C
heidi was at -11

Friday, July 10, 2020 -- wfh; friday night jackbox game night!

"Is this gonna be evidence?" - Ryan Mar

"Why would you need a time machine to masturbate?" - Paul H

"Both of these are appropriate." - Paul H

"You always miss the shots you don't take." - Paul H
going back to try to kill hitler with a dildo shaped like a garaffe

"You know the game is called split the room, right?" - Stacy M
people weren't splitting, it was always yes or no



"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with squirting, yeah." - Paul H

Wednesday, July 8, 2020 -- wfh; tried some online games w/ matt & paul & people

"I get like a s**t hand and nothing happens. Then I get a great hand and I have to discard." - Paul H

"Oh, weird. Where's my little white thing?" "That's what she said." - Matt Wi & Janny M

Monday, July 6, 2020

"It's not my router. It's your s**ty connection to my house." - Eric W

Sunday, July 5, 2020 -- jackbox games w/ arlene & bryan s

"I know what it is!" - Arlene A
bryan s asked if we knew what a floppy disk was

Saturday, July 4, 2020 -- relaxed and played dominion all night; saw some neighborhood fireworks

"Man. Heidi is so smart." "I didn't used to be." - Janny M & Heidi C

"Why the hell does she like the damn Pearl Diver?" "I bought that." - Heidi C & Brian C

"What did Heidi lose? Oh, she lost her Smithy." "What? F**k you!" - Brian C & Heidi C

Friday, July 3, 2020 -- day trip to frostburg! at night dominion all night

"It's made for blind people." - Heidi C

"Who's barking like a little poodle?" - Heidi C

"I don't like Animal Fair. We've discussed this." - Heidi C

"...I have a Villain so I can attack you again." "Na. Don't do that." - Brian C & Heidi C

"Is the trash communal?" - Heidi C

Thursday, July 2, 2020 -- wfh; great bunch of jackbox games w/ a lot of peeps

"My Dawson's Creek." "That's the vibe I was getting, too." - Damion _ & Paul H


"I thought I'd get more nos from that." - Paul H

"Just put a disclaimer on the song." - Paul H
a song sung backwards sings give crack to kids

"These eye balls are really creepy." "Don't look at them." - Janny M & Damion _

"I got like five bucks." - Damion _

"Looks kinda like Florida." - Paul H

"I love it." - Paul H
come see boobs

"Condoms would work well..." - Arlene A
instead of skiis

"Do you have erect nipples cause we just invented a bunch of s**t." - Matt Wi

"I did actually add a third dick." - Matt Wi

"It's like penis flowers." - Matt Wi

"Why do you need to be nude?" - Arlene A