Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« May 2020Jul 2020 »

Currently displaying 86 quotes for this month.

Saturday, June 27, 2020 -- had bri's family over; played dominion w/ heidi all night & started early!

"I don't buy anything with rats in it anymore." - Heidi C

"I don't like any of these cards. They're all for s**t." - Heidi C

"Only if you're an evil human being. If you're a nice person, you're not. - Heidi C
buying attack cards

"What are you gonna trash, Heidi?" "What are you gonna trash, babe?" - Brian C & Janny M
heidi had to pick what good card to trash, then bri had to

"That's the worst part of being lesbian. No one wants to get the bug." - Heidi C

"I did play Goons, right?" "It felt that way." - Janny M & Heidi C

Friday, June 26, 2020 -- wfh; jackbox game night w/ lots of people

"There's closed captioning, you a*sholes!" - Brian C
split the room

"Are you sure you really wanna do that?" - Arlene A
take a picture of your BM

"Ouu. Love dick!" - Damion _

"The knee is higher!" - Brian C

"Neither of these are odd." - Paul H
penises & elephant porn found in caves

"Is Becky Coochie?" "Oh, yeah." - Janny M & Paul H

"Arlene, are you speaking from experience?" "Certainly sounds like it." - Janny M & Paul H

"Dingle, dangle. Tomato, tomato." - Paul H

"It's okay, Brian, mine aren't either." - Arlene A
bri's jokes weren't funny

"I'm amazed cum buckets didn't win." - Diana W

"It's called a Mac!" - Brian C

"You go, Love Dick!" - Damion _

"Brian's over here naked and no one can see him." "Cause no one wants to?" - Janny M & Stacy M

"It is the most accessible." - Matt Wi
reading the shampoo container while on the can

"I would like to see the color..." - Matt Wi
jungle safari green for poop

"Wait. She has boobs and a penis? I don't understand." - Matt Wi

"Piece of a*s!" - Matt Wi

"It wouldn't be that white. Would it?" - Matt Wi

Sunday, June 21, 2020 -- played jackbox games with peeps!

"I can't... There's two penises here." - Arlene A
people drawing penises as their avatars


"It is!" "Yeah, f**k those people." - Diana W & Paul H
people who throw trash on the ground

"It's probably a combination of the two, honestly." - Paul H
what alf does now; smokes crack or jacks off



"People with cancer need to get off, too." - Janny M

"I don't know if the B is on the butt..." - Paul H

"But farting on someone?" "Never rude." - Stacy M & Paul H

Saturday, June 20, 2020 -- saw bri's bro irl; played dominion until really late

"What is your family from West Virginia?" "South Carolina." "Oh. Same thing." - Eric W & Brian C

"Yeah, you wanna just write my name in there now before you get tired, you can." - Heidi C
for the winner

"Don't get scared that I'm gonna win all the games..." - Heidi C

"My feelings are hurt." "Well good." - Janny M & Heidi C

"What don't I want?" - Heidi C

"Oh. I'm tired of having that thing in any hand." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Heidi C
the Raze card

Friday, June 19, 2020 -- wfh; hung out with helen irl; drank & chatted

"You've been wrong about a bunch of stuff." - Helen E
brian predicting things

"Well who cares about Gen X?" - Helen E

"In lieu of having a good plan, we get points." - Helen E
for a healthcare plan, so she can buy health stuff...wtf???

"That's the most optimistic thing you've said. Usually you're all bad news." - Helen E

"I don't find plastic attractive." - Helen E

"Yeah, that's white trash." - Helen E

"Talking about the above quote... which is still true." - Helen E
she went through all her quotes

Monday, June 15, 2020

"You might have a lemon, man." "No. It's an Apple." - Janny M & Eric W
his computer

Sunday, June 14, 2020 -- jackbox games with peeps!

"No problem. Take your time. Six... five... four... three..." - Stacy M
time running out on jackbox

"Been there." - Damion _
ayn ran vs confederate conference

"These are so hard." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Damion _

"I mean are they clean diapers?" - Stacy M
adult diaper truck driver

Saturday, June 13, 2020 -- another awesome dominion online night w/ heidi

"You'd think they'd be like, we're on watch so let's stop killing black people for the weekend." - Heidi C

"I never heard what happened to their lawsuit." "Which one?" - Brian C & Heidi C

"Remember the Rats?" "Yeah. I remember the Rats." - Janny M & Heidi C
dominion card that destroyed her deck

"Pretty s**ty. How do you sleep at night?" - Heidi C
i played an attack card

"You have to live within your means." - Heidi C
everything was taxed!!!

"Who the f**k is doing this s**t?" "I don't know. I need to seriously question this community." - Brian C & Heidi C
playing attack cards

"What am I? Twenty?" - Heidi C
we stay up soooo late :)

Friday, June 12, 2020 -- wfh; went up & saw shawn & jen

"It's fun watching him chase it around." - Shawn R
bri and the basketball

"That's funny but it's sad." - Jen R

"Don't... Do that!" - Jen R
bri pretending to throw a ball at jen

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

"...And now we're balls deep in paragraphs..." - Eric W
we can't go back now

Sunday, June 7, 2020 -- went over megan & matt's for a fire!

"You know what that sounds like? That sounds like jealousy." - Megan Wi
guy driving down the road making loud noises with his engine

"Stop arguing. You broke it." - Megan Wi

"And then when they put the new tree in, chop it down." - Matt Wi
the county

"He's like two people in one." - Matt Wi
kim jung un

Saturday, June 6, 2020 -- dominion night with heidi!

"I don't feel miserable." - Heidi C
negative two points due to a hex

"You're very needy tonight, Brian." - Heidi C
the advisor

"Should I trash my silvers knowing there's golds in there?" - Heidi C

"I don't know. It's so late." "Yeah, I feel if I had to make an important decision, I would be severely compromised." - Janny M & Heidi C

Friday, June 5, 2020 -- wfh; played jackbox games & cah online with a bunch of people!

"It's one hundred thousand dollars for sucking a pink dildo. I would do it for a lot less." - Paul H

"If I got used to it." - Stacy M
speaking in third person

"What? You guys? You don't care about your ventriloquist career?" - Stacy M

"I like flamingos." - Stacy M





"I'm pretty sure you'd get exactly what you expect... I'm not speaking from experience or anything..." - Paul H
if you google midget porn

"Who doesn't know how to spell beaver?" - Shawn R

"Aren't those the same thing?" - Paul H
anyone not on the zoom call and dumb people



"I wish I thought to do that first but here we are." - Stacy M
play cah on her phone