Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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Currently displaying 129 quotes for this month.

Saturday, October 29, 2022 -- had time for packing and a few games of dominion w/ heidi online

"I agree. We have limited resources!" - Heidi C

"Can you think of another reason someone would be mean just to be mean?" "No, I can't." - Brian C & Heidi C
me attacking them

"I don't want to talk about what made you rich, Elon." - Heidi C
talking to bri

"Ah! She's here! Oh, she looks so pretty!" - Heidi C
the witch

"Let's not get carried away. She still has six." - Heidi C

"You feel so sick that you might vomit on a painting and your choice is to go to an art museum?" - Heidi C
i was trying to defend just stop oil

"Did I make some wrong moves? Absolutely." - Janny M

"She's already left. You can call me a f**ker now." - Heidi C
her friend left her apartment

"I'm going to have to ask you to turn it down, sir. I don't know why I have a headache all day." - Heidi C
talking to benji

Thursday, October 27, 2022 -- last thirsty thursday :(

"I even raw dog it." - Andrei A
he doesn't wear masks or does anything preventative

"They just gave me stern looks and this Russian strict Karen face..." - Helen E

"I'm not into like a masculine looking lesbian." - Helen E

"Oh my God I will never have another orgasm for the rest of my life." - Helen E

"I'm gonna Google it... Hitler... one ball..." - Helen E

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 -- last time hanging out w/ aaron & sabrina; dinner & chatter

"Yeah, it sounds like she cares in a Karen kind of way." - Sabrina P

"I'm not even going to relive that. It was so stressful." - Sabrina P

"It was just a light but now it's a fancy one that beeps and is like, 'you can't ignore me.'" - Sabrina P
their ice maker needs a new filter

"Tink, you're embarrassing me!" - Sabrina P
she wasn't getting the toy out of the box

"You get dinner in fifteen minutes. Until then we're going to talk about racist people." - Sabrina P
talking to the alien

"So to make a long story short, none of the Il family poops." - Aaron E

"There was a star in the sky when I was born, too." - Sabrina P

Monday, October 24, 2022 -- came back from nola; played dominion online w/ heidi

"It is very boring when Brian wins." - Heidi C
in dominion

"Alright. I'm gonna focus. I'm not thinking about David. I'm not thinking about spices." - Heidi C
she was on a losing streak

Sunday, October 23, 2022 -- hung around and chilled and drank with megan & matt

"I was like, 'does she have a blockage? What's going on?'" - Megan Wi

"If I go to the store, I want to buy a whole shirt." - Megan Wi
she doesn't like mid-drifts

"Your girlfriend had two vaginas?" - Megan Wi
bri dated a girl that was xxx

"Now you're adding more dolphins into this rape. Now it's a gangbang." - Megan Wi
how do dolphins rape?

Saturday, October 22, 2022 -- boo at the zoo with the kids; partied nola style; parade & drinking all night

"Can you stop talking about poop, please?" - Megan Wi
matt was telling dexter not to poop

"Oh my God there's poo in the hallway!" - Matt Wi
dexter pooped :(

"It is very different living here than in a civilized society." - Matt Wi
in nola

"This is how you drive in New Orleans." - Matt Wi
the road was closed but he just went through it anyway

"We just moved here and they just like give you a gun." - Matt Wi

"Get your northern ass down the street." - Megan Wi
i wanted bug spray

"Oh, I said I was thirty six today." - Matt Wi
lying about his age

"I forgot I was thirty six." - Matt Wi

Friday, October 21, 2022 -- arrived in nola! hung out and drank with megan & matt

"Even Rex said this is bad." - Megan Wi
the saints game on tnf

"I was like, 'get your four year old ass in here.'" - Megan Wi
rex wanted megan to get his drink

"I'm giving up soda and weed." "And picking up cocaine." - Brian C & Matt Wi
when we move

"Is he allowed up here?" "No cause he might s**t everywhere." - Janny M & Matt Wi
dexter in my lap

"I'll just sit here and think of you." - Megan Wi (pic)
that weird pic...

Thursday, October 20, 2022 -- did a thirsty thursday at denizens with the gang

"I'm an introvert..." - Andrei A
how does he get so many dates?

"...It doesn't really work..." - Andrei A
dating many girls being an introvert

"I taught them what a golden shower is." - Andrei A

"They're clean animals. All they eat is acorns." - Andrei A
why we should eat squirrels

"There's not much meat on them but if you get enough of them." - Andrei A

Wednesday, October 19, 2022 -- hung out more at uncle george's place; watched movies; day drinking

"It scared me at first." - Uncle George
kim brought in a plant and it casted a scary shaddow

"It's a chuckle... Especially at three o'clock in the morning." - Uncle George
the plant kim brought in

"Hahahahaha." "That's what I thought. I got your back, Brian." - Janny M & Uncle George
why bri was drinking cause i was

"I tried to nail a whats-sha-ma-jigger... a nail..." - Kim Mo

"Your chimney needs a flue shot... Get it? Flue?" "Yeah, I got it." - Janny M & Kim Mo

Tuesday, October 18, 2022 -- hung around at uncle george's; watched a few scary movies

"I'm not taking a gerbil." - Uncle George
uncle george says no more pets

"I don't want hugs. I want cash." - Uncle George
talking to the waitress

"I ain't going down there. Ain't no way." - Uncle George
the well in the ring

Monday, October 17, 2022 -- went down to see uncle george in NC; had to put bella down :( drank a lot

"...And the top is Antarctica Where did you go to school at?" - Uncle George
kim didn't know

"Ah, s**t." - Uncle George
kim called when we were out driving

"I saw some stupid s**t..." - Uncle George
engineering mistakes

"I don't want to bury another dog tonight, Brian." - Uncle George

"He's a snake... I don't know. I don't ask for ID." - Uncle George

Saturday, October 15, 2022 -- had a game night w/ jason & brittney; played a few games & drank

"Why are they running down stairs?" "More exercise." - Brittney H & Jason H

"By the time they get there we will just tell them not to go to college." - Jason H
they don't want to save for their kids college

"Janis, Janis, would you rather play go fish?" - Brittney H
confusing game

Friday, October 14, 2022 -- went to jailbreak with helen; then we went to a halloween attraction!

"So you still walk that dog?" "Yeah, we just don't go that way anymore." - Janny M & Helen E
when the dog helen was walking lunged at a person and he fell

"There's nothing wrong on the internet anymore so I can go have a drink." - Helen E

"They actually had the nuclear radioactive symbol on them..." - Helen E
her dream about nukes

"I was trying to find out where science ends and woo woo begins and the science ended very quickly." - Helen E

"Or we could clean up our own planet and live here?" - Helen E

Thursday, October 13, 2022 -- went out with bryan s to a few bars :)

"I rode with Connie today so that's why I say you're a great driver!" - Bryan S
bri's driving

"Finally I just said f**k it." - Bryan S

"You can put them in!" "Well, put them in! I'm tired of being bored." - Bryan S & Brian C & Janny M
first part of quote said at the same time

"I refuse to call it Reagan." - Bryan S
dca airport

"Must have been windows." - Bryan S
something went wrong with the cash register at the bar

"I warned my wife..." - Bryan S
his last name gets misspelled and stuff

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 -- went to glen burnie to deliver mom's china cabinet; billy ray came over to gb; hung out afterward

"I'm partying tonight." - Billy Ray M
i gave him a lot of alcohol

"They're just words." - Billy Ray M

"It looked like an alligator head..." - Billy Ray M
what he hit on the road

"My give a f**ks... I'm almost out." - Billy Ray M
he does not have that long until retirement

"When I go for the house, that's when I'll start hoarding." - Billy Ray M
when he buys a big house then he'll hoard stuff

"...And his parents have season tickets so... money..." - Stacy M
she got into an argument with a fan of another football team

Monday, October 10, 2022

"This game sucks!" - Heidi C

"I like to feel good. So what?" - Heidi C
with her sauna's

Sunday, October 9, 2022 -- woke up at shawn & jen's; hung out there all day; went over aaron & sabrina's

"Have we played this before?" "No. We were too drunk." - Janny M & Aaron E
we actually did

"Don't worry. I'll pick you up, Janis." - Sabrina P

"Aaron!" "You shuffled the deck!" - Janny M & Aaron E
flooded the helicopter pad first

"Lost Lagoon is now lost." - Aaron E

"I'm a pretty good catch." - Sabrina P
yea she is

Saturday, October 8, 2022 -- woke up at eric's; went for a long walk looking for birds with eric; went over shawn & jen's and hung out & drank

"Yeah, the C diff smell was... oof." "Can I quiz you on that later?" "No." - DeLaura W & Eric W
comparing smells

"I can actually smell the beaver." - Eric W
walking through the woods... maybe it was a different kinda beaver?

"I was the one who pointed out to her, 'hey, this kinda sucks.'" - Shawn R
hocus pocus 2

"Yeah, the baby cages." - Shawn R
infants in the nicu

"That was the earliest I've ever drank." - Shawn R
watching the 9 am eagles game

"Motherf**ker. We just spent two hundred dollars on groceries!" - Shawn R
they didn't get sandwich bags

"Me es infedel..." - Shawn R
how to say i'm a refugee

"Shut the f**k up. It's not that part." - Shawn R
jen singing

"You might have gotten a contact high." - Shawn R

"If you need her to shut the f**k up, you need to present her your dick..." - Brian C

"She needs to get on all fours..." - Brian C

"I'm gonna pee myself!" - Jen R
wouldn't be the first time!

"Go pee!" - Brian C

"Are you even listening?" "Huh?" - Janny M & Jen R

Friday, October 7, 2022 -- went into the office! my last day at bah! went over eric's and spent the night

"...It's like an hourly rate motel that you can take your hooker to... You should go." - Eric W
it's a beer store too

"Alexa, off." - Eric W
when we talk about pot

"It is sugar water that is color yellow." - DeLaura W

"My gut is like Fort Knox." - Eric W

"You're in a place with a lot of people... and you're singing... you're gonna get it." - DeLaura W
how church goers got covid

"It's how I poop in the morning. It's a very important process." - Eric W
his coffee

"I don't mean to stereotype but..." - Eric W

Thursday, October 6, 2022

"Now you're leaning into the five G conspiracies..." - Helen E
cellphones cause early puberty

"It sounded like guns on horseback... And it was in Russian." - Helen E

"The other line of bulls**t I had to snort was..." - Helen E
how her week went

"My mom is really loud and proud about being seventy three." - Helen E
we have been known to lie about our ages

Sunday, October 2, 2022 -- woke up at heidi's; birds flew in dominion; met up with billy at a brewery; talked to arlene

"If we were both homeless I would let you borrow my toothbrush." - Heidi C

"I may have overpaid a little for this." - Brian C
he paid 12 debt for 8 vp

"Please, I beg of you. For all that is holy." - Heidi C
benji kept barking

"Oh I had zero birds." "Yeah, cause you have zero ethics." - Janny M & Heidi C

"For four thousand dollars it better suck my dick." - Billy Ray M

"Well I don't have a life so..." - Billy Ray M
he's willing to drive far

"It's an Apple product. What do you expect?" "I know. My expectations were higher." - Brian C & Billy Ray M

"I tried it on and I looked like a nineteen fifties housewife." - Arlene A
a dress she wanted to wear to a wedding

Saturday, October 1, 2022 -- went to reston & met tommy; dominion real life with heidi all night!

"I got a degree in narcissism." - Heidi C

"Alcohol is good for you, Brian. It's good for your liver... I learned that at University of Phoenix." - Heidi C

"That's cause I got off of it and nobody wants to use it anymore." - Heidi C
facebook sucks

"You're asking your friends who give you birds so..." - Brian C
relationship advice for heidi

"We never called him Abe. His name was Mister Lincoln." - Heidi C

"Do you remember this when you were coming out of your mom?" - Heidi C
a weird song from the year he was born

"I'm a midnight toker... Oh, that's not nice... It's only eight." - Heidi C

"...And I feel bad about the peaches comment." - Heidi C

"And I can't sing the cousins because I have to read the cards." - Heidi C

"You masturbate to this every night?" "Yes." - Janny M & Heidi C

"Yeah. Tonight wasn't a good night for the birds." - Heidi C
it never is