Trip Tweets – Atlantic City 12/30/10 – 1/2/11
Here are my tweets from the trip Bri and I took to Atlantic City. We spent New Years there.
Thursday December 30, 2010
- Had lunch at Chipotle, getting gas, and continuing on the road. 3:37 PM EST
- Just went through a small, depressed town. I don’t know where all these people work considering the KFC went out of business. 4:49 PM EST
- Checked in, relaxing, then hitting the comedy club. #AtlanticCity 6:03 PM EST
- Front row for the comedy show. We didn’t get picked on too badly. I’m a snowboarder who smokes. Alright. 10:44 PM EST
- Maybe this city will make more sense in the day… and when the alcohol is gone. #atlanticcity 10:56 PM EST
Friday December 31, 2010
- Continental breakfast sucked. Maybe tomorrow they’ll have stuff. 9:41 AM EST
- $20 to park? What do they outline their parking spaces with gold? I don’t think so, I’ll walk, thanks. 11:46 AM EST
- Just got a massage. Now walking the #Boardwalk looking for food. These seagulls are like torpedoes! 1:23 PM EST
- Waiting for the shuttle to take us into town. All you can eat lobster and seafood awaits. #NYE 7:02 PM EST
- Just had probably the most expensive meal of my life. Lobster is overrated. 9:24 PM EST
- The DJ here sucks. And it’s not because I’m drinking. Beers are hard to get here anyway. 11:22 PM EST
- Alright, I’m getting crazy now. I’m going to stand up and hold my Bri Bri for the rest of the year. 11:58 PM EST
Saturday January 1, 2011
- HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! May 2011 be an excellent year. 12:01 AM EST
- Ugh, biggest regret of the year so far is buying that pretzel. #2011regrets 12:20 AM EST
- Ready to catch the bus to the Tropicana. Grab some lunch and walk around. 1:01 PM EST
- Stoke up a deal to get shot glasses. They’re ridiculous here. 3:53 PM EST
- Just got run over by some dude who stole something. I’m done with this ghetto city. #atlanticcity 5:15 PM EST
- Won $17, which paid for dinner tonight. 6:00 PM EST
- Third Eye Blind concert at Showboat. 7:06 PM EST
- The bass is making the seats bounce here at the #3EB concert. 9:51 PM EST
- I just guessed Air Force One just by the intro music. Brian’s disgusted. #GetOffMyPlane 12:32 PM EST
Sunday January 2, 2011
- Continental breakfast and now on our way home! Puppies await! 8:50 AM EST
- Going through a little town flooded with solar panels. They’re on every other telephone pole. #awesome 9:32 AM EST
Pics and story will be up, maybe tonight sometime. No promises.
January 8, 2011 - 10:32 pm
great story…lots of laughs…glad you had soooo much fun….still learning how to use laptop you and stacy gave me for xmas…love you