Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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Currently displaying 58 quotes for this month.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

"Wow, five years in federal prison? That's awesome!" - Marc G

Saturday, June 28, 2008 -- work over dad's with uncle george, bri, stac, & seth

"You can't win a Ford trophy with a Chevy." "It's true." - Brian C & Robbie W

"Alright, the power should be out." "Yeah, famous last words." - Brian C & Uncle George
bri turned the power off in the house

Friday, June 27, 2008 -- work, over aunt ruth's house

"Remember when she threw those tiles?" - Aunt Ruth
my sister threw scrabble tiles, it was funny how she said it

"'Fund' isn't a word." "'Fund' is a word, I'll kill you." - Janny M & Aunt Ruth

"No, that's not funny, Aunt Ruth." - Janny M
she put down funny

"That's why I did 'fee'... I'm gonna cry." - Aunt Ruth

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 -- work

"What do I look like? A vending machine?" "Eh..." - Janny M & Howard T

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Well I try to be as incoherent as possible." - Howard T

"If people know what we got paid to do." - Howard T
we were playing frizbee

"People cough, that doesn't mean they're walking." - Howard T Janny Favorite

"I'm not a loser. I'm just not a winner." - Janny M

Saturday, June 21, 2008 -- dad's house, drank with shawn & jen


"How you handled that with such finesse." - Uncle George
bri unscrewed a screw

"Why don't we each take one non life threatening load at a time?" - Stacy M
i was overloading to make it faster

"it looks remotely like a penis... a penis with six balls." - Shawn R

Friday, June 20, 2008 -- work, shawn & jen & bri night! we ate at joes crab shack & drank!

"Are we on meter parking?" "I don't know. Is the meter invisible?" - Jen R & Shawn R

"Alright, march." "Don't say that." - Brian C & Shawn R
since he was in the navy

"Yeah, you actually look like a crab when you do that." - Mandy S (pic)
i was captin crab!

"Get ready to chug!" - Shawn R
jens drink was going to explode

"Um, she would get out... and something would be broken." - Mandy S
if she handcuffed ashley somewhere

Thursday, June 19, 2008 -- work, proposal is due! to the print shop! then hung w/ dimitri & kim!

"Janis, I got something for you." "That's scary." - Mark P & Howard T

"You got a can?" "A can of Coke?" - Brian C & Kim B

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 -- work, hung w/ mandy outside

"There used to be a bush right there on the floor." - Mandy S
she ment ground

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 -- work, proposal stuff

"I have to go." "You have to go? Well don't do it on the floor." - Dimitri D & Howard T

Sunday, June 15, 2008

"Then why do I get spanked for agreeing with you? I mean, I like it, but..." - Shawn R
jen spanked shawn for agreeing w/ her

"I hope Honest Bob gets the clap." - Shawn R
that annoying song, i get by

Saturday, June 14, 2008 -- hung w/ dimitri & kim in rockville, bought a guitar!!!

"Play it in retard mode." - Dimitri D

"I'm f**king it up. Don't listen to me." - Dimitri D

Friday, June 13, 2008 -- work, red team meeting, relaxing friday night

"I can't believe Monique's not a part of the red team!" "Yeah! Who'd she have to sleep with to get out of that?" - Janny M & Howard T Janny Favorite

"I'll never talk again." - Howard T
all the quotes he makes

Thursday, June 12, 2008 -- work, rock band w/ shawn & jen & bri

"You need a lot to drink before that'll sound good." - Howard T
me trying to whistle the old spice theme

"I should give you a piece of my mind." "You can't afford it." - Dimitri D & Howard T

"Is it going to be too hard for you to have sexy time tonight?" "No, I don't have to use my arm for that." - Jen R & Shawn R
he hurt his arm

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"Sometimes... I don't know what the hell we're talking about." - Howard T
dimitri says random things & walks away

Sunday, June 8, 2008 -- work over dad's, dinner party, watched the onion movie

"We could try... If it goes it goes, I'm not going to be on that end." - Brian C
bri & his dad were carrying a big shelf down the stairs

"He says 'one more beer and I'll get out of here', he has like three more." - Stacy M
my uncle george can drink!

Saturday, June 7, 2008 -- dad stuff all day, hot outside, boston market, bowling, watched meet the spartins with bri & jen & shawn & corey

"Look Janis, I have ten pound balls!" - Shawn R

"If I do bad, I'm going to blame it on the shoes." - Janny M
my shoes were too loose

"Well what do you want me to do? Pull a nine out of my ass?" - Shawn R

"It's not done like that." - Shawn R
corey threw a gutter ball

"That was just a bad throw." - Shawn R

"Clear the thing! No handicap!" - Janny M
brian had a pin down already

"Maybe I'll hit some pins now." - Shawn R

"Everybody else is in the forties and I'm in the twenties." - Shawn R
shawn's bowling score

"Isn't there a terrorist plot you're supposed to be planning?" - Shawn R
bri was doing so well compared to everyone else

"So, what is it like being the size of a great whale?" - Shawn R
insults to bri

"Now I recognize you. You're the one Hancock threw into the ocean!" - Shawn R

"Yeah, that worked. Thanks, Brian." - Shawn R
another gutter ball

"Suck on that, b***h!" - Shawn R
he got 9 down

"Brian's really going to like it cause there's a lot of gay parts in it." - Shawn R
meet the spartins

Friday, June 6, 2008 -- work, got something to eat & saw kung fu panda & zohan with bri & kim & dimitri

"It was like this adventure in badges." - Leroy C

Thursday, June 5, 2008

"It was a joke." "Oh, okay. Not a very good one." - Dimitri D & Howard T

"I lost the cap... It's not in my balls." - Marc G

"Her headlights went out." "No, they're still there." - Brian C & Marc G
yellow ranger had headlights

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"I'm not going to email him, that's just tacky." - Kim Mo
email a friend to get his car out of their garage

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"Yes, yes, he looks like a camel toe sorta guy." - Howard T
i made a remark about dimitri

Monday, June 2, 2008 -- work

"Mark, you just suck for sending me two emails an hour since I've been here." - Janny M
lots of work