Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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Currently displaying 97 quotes for this month.

Friday, April 30, 2010

"Someone you don't like." "A Republican?" - Dimitri D & Janny M

"Like this is way too much meat." "That's what she said." - Patrick W & Dimitri D



Thursday, April 29, 2010

"So which part of the hole are you going to be?" - Howard T
in a massage chair

"You see those two trees? ...No... Good, neither will anyone else, let's go." - Dimitri D
if two people were to run off and do something

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"She's hi-jacking my Facebook!" - Patrick W
his gf

Monday, April 26, 2010

"I don't make any rash decisions... Especially without ointment." - Dimitri D
get it... RASH decisions???

"No one's ever complained about my tap dancing." - Dimitri D
in his apartment

Saturday, April 24, 2010 -- visited leslie in VA, went to harris teeter and a cat followed us back to les' apartment


"Oh, it's harder." "That's what she said." - Leslie B & Janny M

"Should I just laugh to be polite?" - Leslie B
brian made a stupid joke

"Well that would be my fear too... Let's procreate?" - Leslie B

"It sounds like something you'd do to your yard." - Leslie B

"He's playing hide the pickle with Kate." "They're having pickles?" - Brian C & Leslie B

"Leslie Walsh?" - Leslie B

"What's with people tagging things who aren't people? That's not Patrick. That's a fricken cupcake!" - Janny M
on facebook

"Jack... that's what the cat's name was." - Leslie B
the cat who visited us... she was sad when she said this

"It's just that we really shared something today." - Leslie B
with jack the cat

Friday, April 23, 2010 -- work, went to joes crab shack with ryan then played rummy

"She can't remember her name so she wrote it down?" - Ryan L
our waittress wrote her name down on a napkin

"I'd have to lie about my dick size." - Ryan L
on match.com or whatever

"Basically... s**t." - Ryan L

"I'm just dicking with you... Not that way...." - Ryan L

Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Except for Monique who can't even install a cat door." - Dimitri D

"They weren't crazy. The leaches helped!" - Brian C
michael moore was saying how future societies will wonder about our hc like we wondered about leache

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"That's why you're so tired." - Dimitri D
what patrick is doing with his nights...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 -- work, then out on a date night! tried to find a seafood restaurant but they went out of business so we went to red lobster then met up w/ dimitri & eileen for date night, then out to a diner for some late night grub

"I'm just not feeling it today. It must be the moons or something." - Patrick W
the moons???

"He told me he gotta B J at five in the morning. I'm like 'I haven't even had my coffee yet'." - Dimitri D

"I'm an adult man who has a place to go to." - Dimitri D
we were talking about doing stuff in cars

"Anyway, that's really fascinating..." - Eileen D
talking about her night last night

"You wanna hit that... That's what he said." - Janny M
ketchup bottle

"You have to stroke it and massage it..." "It's going too fast." "That's what she said." - Dimitri D & Eileen D

"I'm not quite sure why but I want some." - Eileen D
she was dipping her fries in jam

"I don't know how they get anything done... It's a miracle." - Eileen D

Sunday, April 18, 2010 -- went over joe & kate's for din din

"It was amazing. It was like a burger orgasm." - Kate C
she went to a good burger place in DC

"Yeah, we get a lot of cridders." - Joe C
people pronouncing their last name

"I find it's relaxing to come home and shoot people." - Kate C
lol... in a video game

"You used to attack people with your ass?" - Kate C

Saturday, April 17, 2010 -- had alan & loreal over for ping pong & a cookout!

"You sure you don't need to stretch?" - Loreal B
before alan plays ping pong

"I almost hit the target." - Allan B
going for bri's stomach

"Where's the spatula?" "In the spatula drawer." "Okay..." "Duh." - Brian C & Janny M

"It's not as easy as it looks, Loriel." - Allan B
riding the scooter

"All you have to do is go straight. Try it." - Allan B
lol, we have video of alan trying it

"I wonder what he's like in person." "Crazy." - Loreal B & Allan B
tom cruise

"Alan's just jealous he doesn't have a bulge." - Brian C
like lady gaga, that was bad

"Poor Orioles... Another reason why I drink." - Janny M

"Watch it, man. These aren't as thick as they look." - Allan B
his pants

"Um. It kinda makes you happy." - Loreal B
i asked her what she thought of the song fireflies

"Fishing? Wouldn't that take all day?" - Loreal B
alan & bri planning their next sport

"Tuba players are very popular." - Allan B
uh... sure...

Friday, April 16, 2010 -- work, hung out with leslie at a bar & played pool

"It was college! You go on walks with people late at night!" - Leslie B
not with other people's potential boyfriends!

"What are they going to do with condoms and dildos?" - Brian C
leslie said when she was in costa rica monkeys stole things from her bag

"You're going on vacation... You gotta have sex." - Leslie B

"I was about to drink this." - Leslie B (pic)
it's a candle

"He didn't even come see us." "That's okay. Let me just push these up a little bit." - Janny M & Leslie B
the manager skipped our table, leslie pushed up her boobs

"Yep, we're solid, Leslie, obviously." - Brian C

"Whatever, that's because I moved the ball closer to the balls. - Janny M
bri got a good shot

"If only I hit it harder... That's what he said." - Janny M

"Yes, a bone... not a boner." - Leslie B

"That was loud." - Leslie B

"Why did you leave? I mean I know why but why?" - Leslie B

"I'm your friend and I care about you... I don't care about you all the time but..." - Leslie B

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"It sounds like we should have a sexual celebration." - Dimitri D

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"They're not white pants. They're cream." - Patrick W

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"I'm usually on top." "That's what she said." - Patrick W & Janny M

Sunday, April 11, 2010



Saturday, April 10, 2010 -- over uncle george's chillin

"Yeah cause beer and a nail gun mix real well." - Brian C

"The toilet doesn't even like to see your butt." - James M
patrick's butt

"Okay, I'm glad I'm just imagining this." - Brian C
the gps told us there was no traffic

Friday, April 9, 2010 -- work, went over paul's for sushi

"It was easy in and then bad out." "That's what she said." - Dimitri D & Patrick W

"My Motorola... My late Motorola..." - Dimitri D
his phone, it broke the day before

"Do you know who went to her school? Frostburg the snowman." - Dimitri D
my school

"Well it's never gonna happen again." - Dimitri D
someone have no experience applying to our work

"Put a little rubber on it and you're good to go." - Dimitri D

"You should ask if they speak English first and if they say no then the rest of the application should stop right there." - Dimitri D

"It felt like it was gonna go in... That's what she said." - Janny M

"I can't find it... It's gonna melt down there." - Paul H
he dropped his ice cream

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"It's noticeable too." "I know it is." - Janny M & Dawn B

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"I'm going to go have sex on that camera." - Dimitri D
u don't wanna know

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"It's a lot smaller than I thought it was gonna be." "That's what she said." - Patrick W & Janny M Janny Favorite
he was talking about my scooter

"It's just not meant for humans to live there." - Dimitri D

"Hey, let's go out to a place where plants don't grow..." - Dimitri D

Monday, April 5, 2010

"It's too easy to sample the harvest." - Patrick W
celebrities get divorces all the time

Sunday, April 4, 2010 -- easter over bri's aunts house




"You want some forks?" "No thanks. I'm trying to quit." - Aunt Chris & Uncle Dave

"I had these ducks... Mine broke." - Aunt Chris

Friday, April 2, 2010 -- work, hung out with tim, played ping pong

"She put Anderson windows in their garage... Who ever heard of that?" - Aunt Ruth
high end windows

"Okay, I'll see what I can do." - Tim C
about making a few quotes

"I would have caught it if I hadn't been drinking." - Brian C
the ping pong ball

"Clearly you need to drink more." - Tim C
brian who doesn't play ping pong very well while drunk

"Nice." "...Not so nice." - Janny M & Tim C
he made a good play, then a bad one

"They had pictures and... there was a bulge." - Tim C
lady gaga

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"It was called f**k?" - Beth L
the movie dimitri was trying to think of the name

"Woah, this lady wants to die." - Dimitri D
she was standing in the middle of the road