Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« May 2010Jul 2010 »

Currently displaying 74 quotes for this month.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 -- work, needed a friendly hangout with tim, good times din din & drinking

"So I asked this little honey that was working there..." - Dick W

"No one's in my seat this time... I feel disappointed." - Tim C
when he got up before, someone was in his seat

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"These are better than sex." "Thank you. Glad I could offer you pleasure." - Howard T & Dimitri D
ice cream snickers bars

Monday, June 28, 2010

"Sorry. Just showing Janis my mayonnaise moves." - Dimitri D

Saturday, June 26, 2010 -- saw stacy over uncle george's, hung out there, tricia's bbq party!

"You don't dob, you dab." - Kim Mo

"My wife was her father..." - Uncle George

"Is that the dip you had before?" "Like that Leslie like organismed over? Yeah." - Tricia B

"On, Facebook?" - Ian K
asking if he wanted to play a game

"Yeah I used to do that when I was thirteen too." - Rachael A

"Wait. Canada has a military?" - Janny M
that was a bad quote

"What was that?" "That was an imitation of the goal the other day." - Janny M & Tricia B

"Half her quotes are about boobs usually." - Tricia B

"I never had a White Russian." "Come on you went to Frostburg." - Janny M & Travis B

"But if you try to parallel park, good luck." - Travis B
talking about tricia's old car

"Come on, Brian. Figure it out, man." - Travis B
how to open the door, we got locked out

"There were quotes that were said and I didn't get them." "Bro? Is that one?" - Janny M & Travis B

"Uh, beer before liquor?" - Tricia B

"Didn't I just laugh at this like thirteen times before?" - Tricia B
they kept saying the same things

"I am not catering to your headache tomorrow morning." - Tricia B

"Screw you. Figure it out." - Travis B
giving travis a hard time

"It's just a picture frame!" - Janny M (pic)
there was no picture or anything in it!

Friday, June 25, 2010

"We just told Dawn to stop talking about her kitchen and said 'quit your kitchen'." "That's pretty funny." - Dimitri D & Mike R

"I don't wanna touch anything that's been in your drawers." - Dimitri D

Thursday, June 24, 2010 -- work, natilie cole at wolf trap with some peeps

"Yeah, I think you can take those signs down." - Brian C (pic)
we weren't going 50

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 -- work, nats game with leslie & her dad!

"I think if I bought a cheese cake you'd be all over me." "No, if you bought a cheese cake, I'd be all over you." - Dimitri D & Dawn B

"He's gonna come up and change... Not in front of you guys of course." - Leslie B

"My place is so messy." "At least you got the dirty condoms up." - Leslie B & Brian C

"If you're not gonna contribute to the rhythm than it's best you don't clap at all." - Leslie B
i was purposely clapping off beat to mess up leslie's claps

"Oh now we're off! We're all off!" - Leslie B
the clapping

"Look it says that he's single." - Leslie B
it said that he singled, lol

"Oh no, I was off!" - Leslie B
the rhythm

"That ump is hot... Just kidding. I don't know what he looks like, I can't see." - Leslie B

Monday, June 21, 2010

"How big are these guys?" - Mike R
we had to keep moving over

Sunday, June 20, 2010 -- fathers day over joe & kates house, tv & games & good company

"What are we supposed to have, five? Wait... one, two, three, four, five... Never mind." - Kate C
how many cards we're supposed to have

"For someone out of his senses, he's driving really well." - Joe C
caught on camera or something

"Who shuffled these damn cards?" "You did." - Joe C & Kate C

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Friday, June 18, 2010

"What year is that? 1938?" - Brian C
mom sent me a picture of uncle george when he was young

Sunday, June 13, 2010

"John Lithgow should have come to the party... But wearing clothes, of course." - Seth W

Saturday, June 12, 2010 -- smooth party, fun times, quite a few people came!

"I'm a naked person so..." - Leslie B

"Seth, sit." "I am." - Brian C & Seth W

"I'm trying to dominate you." - Leslie B
she was talking to seth... i mean wiki

"Did I ever get the luxury of a caption?" - Seth W
his quotes with paul way back when

"It's a lot bigger than most penises." - Leslie B

"I didn't realize nut job was coming." "Brian, that's not fair. You live here." - Brian C & Leslie B
talking to joe

"The love I have for this dip, I will never have for any human being." - Leslie B

"That one wasn't me... I didn't have enough reaction time... It was the wind." - Megan Mc
the chips fell on the ground

"Oh come on, I have a belly, you can hold a beer." - Tricia B
having travis play with a handy cap, a beer in his hand, ping pong

"It's so fancy." - Leslie B
the fruit salad

"If it doesn't have to do with penises, I'm not interested." - Leslie B

"I like how he aims for your head every time." - Tricia B
joe aimed for bri's head in ping pong

"We need the money, honey." - Tricia B
i was ready to give $2 to the person who drank the corrona

"I can't do two at once." "Yes you can. I saw pictures." - Leslie B & Janny M (pic)

"I can't believe she has a baby in there." - Leslie B
tricia <3

"This was a few boyfriends ago..." - Seth W

"Stop causing trouble." "I'm not." - Travis B & Tricia B

"There's a space between the wheels." - Ricky B
the chair wouldn't run over the bug

"That one, she looks drugged, like usual." - Tricia B
lol, me

"Where are the cookies?" - Janny M
nick tapped his belly

"I'm gonna have nightmares." - Leslie B
a dog joke

"I never did it when I had a few beers." - Nick Maloy
did his hycup trick to cure hycups

Friday, June 11, 2010

"It wasn't that good." "I was lying." - Janny M & Dimitri D
a joke

"Do you not have a mirror?" - Dimitri D
hypocritical girl

"It's right there, dude. Get some glasses." - Dimitri D
patrick lost the top to his meat package

"You know what I'm most afraid of?" "Aliens?" - Michael D & Dimitri D

Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Aunt Ruth, I have to warn you, this is a high theft area." "Oh, it is not." - Brian C & Aunt Ruth
at dad's house... in the boonies

"Now let's see you open that..." - Aunt Ruth
water bottle, i did easily then she pownded her fist on the table

"When she opened that with one twist..." - Aunt Ruth
she had trouble opening a water bottle

"These dogs are all gonna be constipated." - Kim Mo
we fed them cheese

"My feet are here." "Yeah, and the table moves." - Kim Mo & Uncle George

"It stands for George Montgomery's Company." - Uncle George

Saturday, June 5, 2010

"All I can do is start cursing." - Tim C

"That's disgusting." - Tim C
brian beat him in ping pong without a paddle

Friday, June 4, 2010

"He's a bit active tonight..." - Brian C