Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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Currently displaying 70 quotes for this month.

Friday, May 31, 2013

"There goes your tip." - Uncle George
when he asked the waiter if he needed to see his id & he said no

"What the hell is this?" "It's a napkin." - Patrick M & Brian C

"I thought I was boss." - James M
the waiter called everyone boss

Monday, May 27, 2013 -- cookout IV with shawn & jen & their neighbors, hangout

"Molly, be careful." "That's right. Don't take driving lessons from your mom." - Jen R & Brian C

"That's not funny." "Yeah, it is." - Jen R & Shawn R & Brian C
the thing i said, 'yeah it is' said at the same time

"Who gave you the worm?" - Jen R

"He delivered pizza, not beer." "Oh." - Shawn R & Britney F

"Get in the street." - Jen R
molly, who is to get out of the street, not in the street

"You're driving like mommy does." - Shawn R
molly in her toy car

"You're white!" - Shawn R
jen's slang all night

"I don't have three balls... I have two..." - Mike Sh

Sunday, May 26, 2013 -- cookout II with kurt & mike, cookout III with bri's parents & pinochle

"That's a whole nother thing... Depends." - Kurt W

"Now we can call him hot a*s." - Cindy O

"What the f**k?" - Mike O
he threw the ball, the dogs ran to it but didn't get it

"I'm going to need more than a Kleenex." - Brian C
his score

Saturday, May 25, 2013 -- cookout I with leslie, paul, & seth; lots of games like apples 2 apples, catan, scribblish, rummy

"You sound just like Seth which is sad because Seth sounds like a girl." - Leslie B

"These are details that we can organize for him so he can spend more time with her." - Leslie B
planning seth's wedding for him

"Then you can have as much as you want of anything else cause then it's a salad." - Leslie B
putting tomatoes in anything

"If you ask in a southern accent then they have to let you in." - Leslie B
new rule

"I was going to tell Wegman's how I feel but I think it's too soon." - Seth W
he loves wegmans

"Of all the guys I've ever shared a bed with..." - Leslie B
no way the rest of that sentence could be good

"He voted for Bush." "That's because he was under the influence..." - Brian C & Leslie B

"You haven't defriended me in a while so it's weird." "The night's not over, Seth." - Seth W & Leslie B
on fb

"You clean out people! You're just part of the trash." - Paul H Janny Favorite
leslie on fb defriending people

"It sounds like my kind of show with magic sex and dragon sex." - Paul H
game of thrones

"What if you have to tow the car, do you have two more nuts?" - Leslie B

"I think it speaks for itself." - Seth W
logic for pigeons are funky in apples 2 apples

"What are you doing down there?" "That's what she said." - Paul H & Janny M

"This is not a question of linguistics." - Leslie B

"Um, this guy's dead..." - Paul H

"It's a bunch of penises." "Oh, it's mine." - Brian C & Seth W

"I ran out of room. I was going to add the poop later." - Brian C

"I like the penis vision." - Paul H
my drawing

"I guess if you really stretch it..." - Paul H

"That was my best attempt at drawing a penis cupcake, Seth." - Paul H

"I used a little bit of poetic license." - Leslie B
her statement in scribblish

"I don't want a burning penis." - Seth W

"I could be really erotic right now." - Paul H

"Maybe she doesn't want to date you because you're a woman." - Seth W
dissing bruno mars again

"Mmm. It's looking good." - Paul H
the discard pile

Friday, May 24, 2013 -- work, italian & hang out w/ kurt & mike

"He actually got better with age... like wine." - Kurt W

"I know. So threatening." - Kurt W
bri got a road in catan

"Oh damn. I was hoping she'd go for the twelve and the two." - Mike O
his moms placement in catan

"Janis was going to say 'bahh'..." - Kurt W
since i got more sheep

"You wanna be the white queen?" - Mike O

"Thank you. Hell f**king yeah. Booty call!" - Mike O

Thursday, May 23, 2013

"Good news. The cake wasn't in the list." - Joe C
new app, fooducate, that shows u info about your food

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"I put up with certain things at home..." - Kent L

"Google agrees with Shawn." "No one agrees with Shawn." - Shawn K & Wynne G

Monday, May 20, 2013

"We're not a sexy, hot couple." - Wynne G
her & her husband who were kissing @ the kiss & ride

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 -- work, picked up dogs for dog sitting from erin & b, dinner & hang out

"You can pick me up at the corner. Like a hooker." - Erin L

"Lucifur will bite you when you pet him." - Erin L

"I faked a lot of documents in my day..." - Erin L

"This was one of the worst things I've done while in law school." - Erin L

"He likes to sleep on pizza boxes." - Erin L

"Every time I see one I'm like 'ou, someone died... oh nevermind'." - Erin L
a pt cruiser (since they look like herses)

"He looks like some really weird porn star." - Erin L
their dog, oscar

Sunday, May 12, 2013 -- T SWIFT CONCERT!

"You don't even know me, sir." - Seth W
opening guy wanted to sing about how much we mean to him

"Enie meanie mini moe." - Seth W
that's what ed sheeran sounded like

"This thing is so sensitive. Anything will turn it on... That's what she said." - Janny M
a light stick bri bri bought me

"I don't know why you are here..." - Seth W
a sign saying i love t swift

Saturday, May 11, 2013 -- over uncle george's for patrick's prom pictures and hang out

"It takes you longer than two years to read the damn books." - Joe C
wheel of time takes place in 2 year span

"It'll all be worth it. You'll be high and happy and I'll have cash." - Joe C
giving him money to perform t swift songs instead of going to her concert

"They got bombshell broads." - Uncle George

"He's not going off to war." - Uncle George
kim was clinging to patrick her son

Friday, May 10, 2013 -- work, hung w/ kurt & mike, panera, ticket 2 ride, hang out

"You see how little it is?" "Yeah, it is small... That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M

"Go on... F**k!" - Mike O

"Who's turn is it?" "Grandma Moses over here... s**t." - Janny M & Mike O

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"That was purely accidental..." - John C
a certain hand motion he made

Friday, May 3, 2013

"I had to click next for people this week, on their behalf." - Brie Be