Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« Apr 2015Jun 2015 »

Currently displaying 59 quotes for this month.

Sunday, May 31, 2015 -- SETH & MEREDITH'S WEDDING!!!

"But if you neglect your kids, the party's not over." - Kavita T

"No." - April K
when the dj dude said can we have your attention

"You can't scratch your a*s for forty dollars." - Paul H
per diem rates

Saturday, May 30, 2015 -- went over uncle george's; went to a bar on the beach!

"What are you exporting my flies?" - Uncle George

"I'm starting to feel home sick. Where are all my flies?" - Uncle George
we were at a beach with no flies

"They're gonna think something's wrong with that man." "They already think that." - Uncle George & Janny M
his quotes

"I can't ride a tsunami." - Uncle George
a fat woman?

"Nobody's listening to this story. F**k this story." - Uncle George

Friday, May 29, 2015 -- work; cookout over kurt & mike's; cah with some friends of theirs

"Come on, I E. F**k!" - Janny M

"We don't use food for sex." - Mike O

"Well that was what we were going for." "Stone henge?" "Yeah." "Well I don't know about that..." - Mike O & Janny M & Kurt W

"Nothing but high school drama." - Mike O

"My parents were like, 'where the hell are we?'" - Kurt W

"It failed again." - Janny M
i tried the milk man man

"During his midlife crisis my dad really got into a tiny little hand... okay..." - Zarah M

Monday, May 25, 2015 -- got back from nj beach, kurt & mike's bbq

"It's on Fox... not the crazy Fox." - Mike O

"Whatever makes aquatic sense." - Kurt W
what kind of fish they'll have in their pond

"Those boob jobs ain't cheap." - Mike T

"Can you imagine that? I'm glad Mike would be cleaning that up." - Kurt W
if their kid poops on the walls

Sunday, May 17, 2015

"Okay I can play with this while I'm waiting for food... You can say the same thing about my penis." - Brian C
his phone (gaw)

Saturday, May 16, 2015 -- oc for crusin week! hung out at uncle george's hotel

"How long will it take?" "Half an hour." "Look what I got." - Uncle George & Matt Zz
for his veggies to be done on the grill; ug got my keys to the tesla

"See, now that's stupid." - Kim Mo
girls running across the street before fast cars

"I've moved up from Smirnoff." "Damn." - Janny M & Will Ma

"We got a lot... just not a girl." - Patrick M

Friday, May 15, 2015 -- oc for crusin week!

"People bring the strangest things down here." - Janny M
to crusin

"Well since the Camaro got sick..." - Kim Mo

"It got bronchitis real bad." - Kim Mo
the camaro

"How much have you had to drink?" "Not enough!" - Janny M & Uncle George

"We're like five blocks away." "He won't make it." - Janny M & Kim Mo
brian was a bit drunk

"I'll get it out." "Naw, don't worry about it." - Janny M & Uncle George
ice... not sure

"It's so ignorant, I could like it." - Uncle George

"I ain't no God damn Indian. I'm f**king royalty." - Kim Mo

Saturday, May 9, 2015 -- leslie's graduation party dinner

"Yeah, that's all nice but it's not about me." - Leslie B

Friday, May 8, 2015 -- work, shawn & jen's for a hangout

"Ah! Your son is beating me up." - Jen R
to mitch

"My lilacs!" - Jen R
kids throwing the ball in her garden

"Jen's drunk!" - Shane Si

"People are getting drunk here. Jen's drunk." - Shane Si
smart for a 10 year old

"She's in your butt." - Shane Si
where jen was

"It's not cheating." "What's not cheating?" "If it's the same sex." "Yeah, that's not cheating." - Brian C & Mitch's friend

"This mama ain't doing nothing tonight." "S**t, yeah, you are." - Jen R & Shawn R
jen's gonna work some... you know?

Saturday, May 2, 2015 -- went over kurt & mike's; wine tasting; cah

"It smells like dung as it is. Gross." - Mike O

"We did strawberries in Germantown." - Mike O
just kinda funny

"No, you wonder about weeding. That's what we're getting a kid for." - Kurt W
their backyard is going to look amazing but it's a lot of work to maintain

"It needs a tune up so why don't we put more stress on the engine?" - Brian C

"Where can I find a male order bride?" - Brian C
siri's answer was 'you'll have to unlock your iphone first'

"Do I make you randy?" - Brian C
siri's answer was 'i'd rather not say'

"I don't mind talking about mine and Kurt's sex life." "What sex life?" - Mike O & Kurt W

"You can't compete against tiny nipples." - Janny M

"Fine. All of you laughed on the last one. Except Brian and I who thought it was dumb." - Kurt W

"What am I giving up for Lent? Full frontal nudity. F**k." - Mike O

"Your horn doesn't work." "It does. It's just extremely stiff." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M

Friday, May 1, 2015 -- work, bar hopping with jeff; bri actually tagged along

"Hehehe. If I have access to dynamite..." - Jeff D

"They gave you enough to give you blue balls or blue ovaries..." - Jeff D
a movie

"He's gonna get killed." - Jeff D
pope frank

"What? What is this?" - Jeff D
a car doing something stupid on the road

"Well all those sex exercises..." - Jeff D
bill clinton

"I mean how does she still work here? I mean does she know the owner?" - Jeff D
the mean waitress that likes jeff

"Jeff... she's gonna slash my tires, too." - Jeff D
what jon said about a girl jeff went out with

"He like did rocks and dirt. I wanted to do real stuff." - Jeff D