Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« Jan 2015Mar 2015 »

Currently displaying 99 quotes for this month.

Saturday, February 28, 2015 -- went out to dinner w/ shawn & jen; hung out & watched the interview

"No, I don't want to be in the dog house." - Shawn R
by going to tilted kilt for dinner... it's an irish hooters

"We'll rape our husbands tonight." - Jen R

"If you're showing I don't wanna see." - Bear M

"Mommy, Daddy, what are you doing? Having oral sex, honey." - Jen R
in her daughters voice

"This was wet, this was wet... All this was wet." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M Janny Favorite

"This one's dry." "That's what she said." - Shawn R & Janny M

Friday, February 27, 2015 -- work, lunch w/ david, kurt & mike's, smallworld & cah

"Vegetables can still be run over." - David Ga
eating road kill

"I think a bear lives there." - David Ga
in the woods where he jogs

"No. It came all the way in." "That's what she said." - Kurt W & Janny M

"This was more an immediate need." - Kurt W

"We're gonna have them over to your place and we're not gonna show up." - Kurt W
gershon & his wife lol

"Addy won't care as long as you're recycling." - Kurt W

"Come on, douche bag. Pull out." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M
he was trying to get out of the parking lot

"And if you have a religion, you need to abort more." - Kurt W

"I wasted Viagra on that?" - Mike O

Thursday, February 26, 2015 -- work; hung out with erin & bear, played cool tv games

"I didn't eat that." - Ash W
on her phone there was a default picture of food

"You see them walking around with booty on the butt." - Jewell P

"The dog dealer, if you will..." - Erin L

"And she fell in love with him... somehow..." - Erin L
oscar, their winny dog

"Or we can do swingers." - Bear M
he be on my team, erin be on bri's team

"Yeah, if you've played wii sports..." "Or real tennis." - Janny M & Erin L
how you would know what a love is

"I think it's hair stubble." - Erin L

"Penis is in." "That's what she said." - Bear M & Janny M

Wednesday, February 25, 2015 -- work, dinner with danny

"I mean this stuff is confusing!" - Danny H

Sunday, February 22, 2015 -- we were able to dig out to do lunch at yekta & play dominion with david

"I have nothing but money." - David Ga

"Yeah. I'd do sexy witches." - David Ga

Friday, February 20, 2015 -- work, dinner with danny to celebrate his new job

"There's more." - Danny H
apparently there is more to danny than i knew about him

Monday, February 16, 2015 -- lunch with some WB peeps, pho

"Number eleven won't be very tasty." - Jack Z

"Well Word is pretty new so it will take a while..." - Peter F
for it to be more accessible, lol

Sunday, February 15, 2015 -- hung out w/ k & m, dinner, watched gravity, funny reviews

"Why are you stopping at green lights?" - Kurt W
mike slowing down when it's green

"It was never red." - Kurt W
the light

"...The temperature fluctuates between... s**t..." - Mike O
the text went by too fast for him to read

"Because it's built to go in." "That's what she said." - Mike O & Janny M
the space shuttle pod

Friday, February 13, 2015 -- work, pizza cs, hung out with david & played wii and drank

"Maybe it wants me to crash and die." - David Ga
his car blows cold air to defrost

"Brisket? People line up for brisket?" - Janny M
in austin

"Not Austria... down under..." - David Ga

"They get like dollar signs in their beards." - David Ga

"Even the most beautiful people are pretty ugly..." - David Ga
it's true

"There were hunters and gatherers and like monkey people." - David Ga

"Yeah I mean Catholic girls are easy and it's all about the hoes." - David Ga

"Maybe their boobs shake." - David Ga

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"Oh my God. That's terrible." - Danny H
him leaving WB

Saturday, February 7, 2015 -- went over uncle gorge's, hung out at the neighborhood garage, tiki bar, etc

"She comes with baggage." "Don't the all?" "None like her." - Uncle George & Dude Over Uncle Georges 2/7/15

"I'm not going to hell." - Kim Mo
she said it so confidently

"Why doesn't anyone ever ask me what I want." "Cause you can't drive." - Kim Mo & Uncle George
what kind of car we want

"You're f**king weird. How dare her!" - Roxanne Zz
she called us weird cause we couldn't put our thumbs all the way down

"Get your hand off his ass." - Roxanne Zz
telling her husband not to touch uncle gorge's ass

"It's a little bent. What did someone roll it over with a truck?" - Uncle George
his spoon

Friday, February 6, 2015 -- work; game night w/ bri, david, paul, megan, matt; played walking dead; played scribblish; played cah; drank, great night

"It's not a pleasant process I don't recommend it so brush your teeth." - Paul H
a root canal

"Everyone can try my monkey." - Paul H
he got this good monkey ale beer

"Make Brian a woman." - Paul H
in the walking dead game

"Hmm... that's unfortunate." - Paul H
no extra stuff

"It seems like this requires team work. This might be a problem." - Paul H
the walking dead game; we're used to competing

"I don't recommend getting drunk with this game cause then everything will fall apart." - David Ga
walking dead game

"And why are zombies eating ammo in the first place?" - Paul H

"Now I can drive around and talk to people." - David Ga
he got the motorcycle and radio

"How is he gonna be friendly when he's quarantined?" - Megan Wi

"We were working as a team. He read my mind." - Megan Wi
megan & bri were playing as one in the walking dead game

"I'm eating food." - Megan Wi

"Six. That's terrible." - Matt Wi
what megan rolled

"You died of food poisoning." - Megan Wi

"Sorry people at the farm." - Matt Wi
he did something bad to us

"Is that a stick?" - Matt Wi
lol we like to draw penises

"I tried my best..." - Matt Wi
the way he said it; in scribblish his drawing

"Then write music notes." - Janny M
if the person in the drawing was playing music

"That two had a strike through it; that's why it's bad." - Matt Wi
in music

"Mine is a penis hatching out of an egg." - Megan Wi

"Rand Paul gives me a huge erection." - Matt Wi

"I thought that was a money sign." - Matt Wi
someone's poor drawing

"I don't know why there's a smiley face." "Eh, I had extra time." - David Ga & Paul H

"I don't see the boobs." - Matt Wi

"It's like all this money is turning him on but he has to pee." - Paul H

"He's very anal... Speaking of anal..." - Megan Wi

"That'll happen." - Paul H
sexual humiliation in my butt

"All wars were fought with poor people." "Poor people. That's true." - Brian C & Matt Wi

"...An anti semetic boob job?" - Megan Wi
she read the card wrong

"I'm into being nine years old..." - David Ga

"What are you?" "Like white wise?" - Megan Wi & David Ga

"Penises will win." - Matt Wi

"I can see you frolicking." - Megan Wi

"How would you get out of your head?" - Paul H
doing yourself

"Yeah, I'd put him down." - Megan Wi
our cat, size_t, who has diabetes :(

"Sex goblins are kinda cool." - Megan Wi

"Except it didn't have a penis. I added that myself." - Matt Wi

"Hershey highway." - Megan Wi

"Well because I like flaming stuff on other people..." - Brian C

"I'm sure there's variations..." - David Ga
to a game?

"Hahaha. You're dirty!" - Megan Wi

"It could be just the whiteness of the area." - David Ga

Thursday, February 5, 2015

"Well people keep dying so we keep getting data for that." - Nik H

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"Okay. Let me get this thing lubed up then hopefully it'll run." "That's what she said." - Brian C & Janny M
the piece for the heater

"Did you like that one? "Yeah. Why do you think I said it that way?" - Janny M & Brian C
the quote above; he set me up

Monday, February 2, 2015

"I thought I was just really tired." - David Ga
the halftime show we were talking about

Sunday, February 1, 2015 -- went to the auto show, later got chinese & watched the superbowl with david

"They could like fly to this table and drop off a smoothie. Just as a stupid example." - David Ga
intellegent drones

"I'm not going to root for the Patriots even though I'm drinking a Boston beer." - David Ga

"Sometimes I watch T V and I wonder what the hell is going on. This is one of those moments." - David Ga
katie perry's halftime show

"They had to reuse the scenery. They paid so much money for those dancing trees." - Janny M
two songs on the beach

"I think a bunch of people just pit out their food right now." - David Ga
toe fungus commercial during the superbowl

"That looks awesome. I want to do it. But I'd have to drink Bud Light to do it." "That's the only downside." - Janny M & David Ga
real life pacman