Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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Currently displaying 72 quotes for this month.

Monday, May 31, 2021 -- a few online games w/ arlene & andy

"I guess her and Paul are doing a swingers night..." - Arlene A
they were a no show for our game night

"Do you hold the penis or...?" - Andy C

Sunday, May 30, 2021 -- went to see uncle george! patrick came over & we drank a lot

"That's ten more calories that I don't need." - Kim Mo
michelob light is 10 less calories than keystone

"I hope we're not using this to rob banks or else we ain't gonna do so well." - Uncle George
truck kept stalling

"Let me go again before I was rudely interrupted." - Uncle George

"Those mother f**kers flock to me... Look! Look!" - Uncle George
misquitoes but also his dogs

"Yes, honey, could you just hold on a minute?" - Kim Mo

"You all f**ked on this one... ba ba ba!" - Uncle George
singing sweet caroline at the end

"She had that place crackin'." - Uncle George
aunt janet

Friday, May 28, 2021 -- wfh; jackbox games w/ sabrina coming over

"He was trying to tell me about his character and..." "You didn't care?" "...Yeah..." - Sabrina P & Brian C
aaron's dnd character

"I just said I'm happy for you..." - Sabrina P
aaron's dnd character

"Wouldn't that be a bonus?" - Matt An
elves having an orgy in your basement

"You get cookies but it's questionable what's inside." - Stacy M
elf orgies in your basement

"Who the f**k knows this s**t?" "I do!" - Janny M & Arlene A
ugh trivia

"What the f**k yes." - Sabrina P

"You know what? The mission is possible..." - Arlene A

"Oh! The penis! Okay!" - Sabrina P
the agitator in the washing machine

Sunday, May 23, 2021 -- went to the eastern shore beach with helen

"It works. People put body parts in there." - Helen E
her Styrofoam cooler

"Ocean City is full of bikers and tattooed Republicans." - Helen E

"Where is a normal people beach?" - Helen E

Friday, May 21, 2021 -- wfh; sabrina came over! did game night live from outside

"So does Disco... they should talk..." - Sabrina P
lupin and disco poop outside the box... not fun

"The problem is if he looks like Jeff Bezos..." - Diana W

"It's a good conversation starter." - Sabrina P
painting in your living room of ancestors having sex

"Only five hundred?" - Sabrina P

"Prolapse is spelled wrong." - Shawn R

"Oh, I look white!" - Sabrina P
when the lights from the garage are on

'I spelled my name wrong." - Sabrina P

"What does it do? Does it milk it?" - Shawn R
robot pussy

"I'm drunk. That's where my mind goes." - Sabrina P
to cheeze its

"I got a split with my bottomless pit?" - Shawn R

"Apparently Matt died..." - Stacy M

Saturday, May 15, 2021

"See? Did that hurt, Heidi?" "No, it was actually pleasurable." - Brian C & Heidi C
attack card

"Janny, I'm so happy, you have no idea." - Brian C
he made the game very painful

"That's not funny." "So why am I manically laughing?" "Cause you're a psychopath." - Janny M & Brian C

Friday, May 14, 2021 -- wfh; first friday night jackbox in a long time

"I don't work on Saturdays." - Paul H
what was the highlight of paul's saturday

"You guys thought of things I would have never thought of." - Sabrina P
what would she do if she won the lottery

"You can walk away and not come back and leave it beeping..." - Stacy M
her invention the momcrowave

"Everyone wants to microwave their mothers..." - Stacy M
the momcrowave

"They're a hundred feet long..." - Matt An
blue whales

"You... You know I like to vent." - Stacy M

"In the armory... It might have been dead a while..." - Matt An
among us

Sunday, May 9, 2021 -- bri & i went to cumberland falls; hung out in the rv when it rained

"I almost gave up driving like as a sport." - Heidi C
driving the rv was tough for her

"We look like gypsies!" - Heidi C (pic)
we had our camping chairs in the rv since it was raining & we wanted to sit down

Saturday, May 8, 2021 -- went around to burbon tastings

"I thought we were gonna fall in the lake!" - Heidi C
the "wind"

"Something's f**ked up because all I do is eat pop tarts and watch TV. - Heidi C
her electricity bill was high in her house

"Only Heidi would call up New Jersey and ask if they deliver to Kentucky." - Brian C

"You know, I haven't seen a single bug since we got here." "Yeah. I know. I can't believe this is Mitch McConnell country." - Janny M & Heidi C

"My water broke!" - Heidi C
all her s**t was wet

Friday, May 7, 2021 -- traveled to kentucky; heidi's birthday! ordered pizza; dominion

"I thought that was romantic in a cancer causing kind of way." - Heidi C
the underwoods would smoke together

"Can you help me find the hole?" - Heidi C

Thursday, May 6, 2021 -- kayaking & relaxing around in alabama koa

"Eh. I look fat." "Aww you do not look fat." - Janny M & Heidi C

"I don't have sex with trees or anything..." - Heidi C

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 -- no food! did laundry & went out to get food; walked around beautiful koa in alabama

"Doesn't anyone poop in this state?" - Heidi C
the store had no veggies

"What do they have?" "Meth." - Janny M & Heidi C
trying to find a place to get food... it looked shaddy online

"Are we hungry now?" "Yeah. I got one peanut left in my stomach." - Janny M & Heidi C

"This one's bark is defining... I mean birds fell from the sky..." - Heidi C
wiki's bark

Tuesday, May 4, 2021 -- rough travel to alabama

"Oh my God. How could you say that?" - Brian C
heidi said they have to drive a whale

"You don't mind me blaming you?" "Why the f**k would I care?" - Janny M & Heidi C
i want to take off tuesday to rest

Monday, May 3, 2021 -- went out with bri bri to do stuff around smokey mountains; hike to laurel falls; hanging out in rv since it was raining

"How'd it get a black eye?" - Heidi C
the blakened fish i thought was black-eyed fish

"He's my only child." "No. You have Charlie." "Well, yeah..." - Heidi C & Brian C
don't tell charlie that...

"If it was Charlie, you'd let him drink the hair." "U know, firefighters can drink hair." - Brian C & Heidi C

Sunday, May 2, 2021 -- went to fontana dam; walked around Cherokee

"That made up for Trump." - Heidi C
we saw a donkey

"Don't look. Don't look. It's just going to make you sad." - Heidi C
talking to benji who was barking

"Chocolate. Chocolate would be the perfect word." - Heidi C

"Uh. It is that bad. Do you remember order for Trump?" - Heidi C

"I just saw lightening. What is the plan? Is it every man and dog and computer equipment for himself?" - Heidi C
getting ready to rain

"I like the bored one better." - Heidi C
me taking pictures of heidi

Saturday, May 1, 2021 -- traveled to north carolina; camp fire & dominion outside

"No robber is going to stay back there." - Heidi C
our backyard is lite up at night

"So it is Terminal? I'm sorry. How long have you known?" - Heidi C
the road's name was terminal

"No one is getting humped tonight. That includes you two." - Heidi C
benji trying to hump lando... heidi talking to bri & i too

"Lady bugs are the puppies of grass hoppers." - Heidi C

"My body can't do once a week." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Heidi C
staying up until 3 am