Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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« May 2021Jul 2021 »

Currently displaying 111 quotes for this month.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021 -- took the day off to go out on a boat w/ kenny & mom; went to the inner harbor; boating around, drinks!

"I'd love to jump his waves... sounds a little gay..." - Kenny B
a bigger boat

Tuesday, June 29, 2021 -- wfh; eric came over to take some car tools we weeded out

"Here's your wheel." - Brian C
how often do you say that in life? it was the wheel to the air compressor

"Alright. Who's a big boy?" - Eric W
he had straps in his car

"Sorry I left a skid mark on your driveway." - Eric W
from the air compressor

Sunday, June 27, 2021 -- woke up at heidi's! starbucks, breakfast with heidi; went home & had shawn & jen over for a cookout, hangout, hot tub, drinks

"Of course you think the military is awesome. They give you a hair cut and pants." - Heidi C

"I would have been a lot richer." - Heidi C
if she didn't have charlie

"Dude, you need these just in case you need to crucify a mother f**ker." - Shawn R
big nails

"I was like was Jen in the car? No, Jen hadn't been in the car..." - Shawn R
when i found someone's pot in the truck

"Well then let's wait on the wood..." - Janny M
for bat houses

Saturday, June 26, 2021 -- went over heidi's; out to dinner & mini bar crawl; played dominion

"So I was looking at the guys my age and I was like..." - Heidi C
she made a throw up sound

"Contractors suck... oh, no you guys..." - Heidi C

"The butt doesn't bother me. The f**king doesn't bother me." - Heidi C
opening of shameless

"No kid ever thinks they want to be a project manager." - Brian C
probably true

"Now we're good to play. I'm gonna beat your asses... yes." - Heidi C
she whispered before we started playing

"Do you want me to move it? It's kinda tight." "That's what she said." - Heidi C & Janny M
heidi said twss too

"I mean I bought it with my own money..." - Heidi C
an attack card

Thursday, June 24, 2021

"It's this tennis center that I swear is run by the mob." - Arlene A
talking with arlene on the phone

"Not... animals..." - Brittney H
she can't give shots to animals but she can to humans

Sunday, June 20, 2021 -- father's day! called uncle george; went over bri's bros house; outside get together at helen's neighbors to celebrate the solstice!

"She don't use it but it's brand new." - Uncle George
talked to uncle george on the phone; kim's vaccum

"Whoo knew this was going to be so indestructible, Joy?" - Katie H

"Unmarried women jump into the lake... Freudian slip." - Helen E

"More importantly, are you going to sing the song?" - Katie H
helen was giving us an overview of the operah

"It's in Russian's West Virginia." - Helen E

"I do try." - Katie H
to say funny things

Friday, June 18, 2021 -- wfh; jackbox game night outside w/ sabrina & aaron coming over; drinks & fun

"But then we had to listen to all that 'Russia stole the election.'" - Sabrina P

"Babe. I can't hear Brian." - Sabrina P
aaron was crunching too loud

"I feel like I can't make my windows big." "That's what she said." - Janny M & Sabrina P & Brian C
twss said at the same time

"Not as dirty as your wife's pussy though." - Sabrina P

"I'm gonna go with the obvious answer." "Eating pussy?" - Janny M & Sabrina P

"I'm going to hell." "I'm also going to hell." - Janny M & Sabrina P
our answers in survive the internet

"Wait, Stacy's going to hell!" - Sabrina P
all our names were stacy

"Rich people had refrigerators." - Aaron E

"I'd bring everything up at breakfast." - Aaron E
if something weird happened during a family vacation

"You have to put a sticky note on that freezer with like a skull and crossbones." - Stacy M

"We went to have our legal anniversary." - Sabrina P

"Let's call her Ashley..." - Aaron E

"I'm like Gwynn Stephani right now." - Aaron E
walking into spider webs

"Oh, white people." - Aaron E

Thursday, June 17, 2021 -- wfh; helen came over w/ a friend; drinks; fire

"You had a dream about his place?" - Janny M
helen had a dream about andre's place; she was cleaning it

"I was checking to make sure there wasn't a body or something..." - Helen E

"Should I make the other bedroom a closet?" - Andrei A
his new place has small bedrooms

"I mean one minute would be most efficient." - Helen E
how long elon musk lasts in bed

"I don't have a s**ting room." - Helen E

"What's the bro-y bro type?" "You'll know it when you see it." - Brian C & Helen E

"I don't talk a lot with y'all." - Helen E
'y'all' the word

"So I got really high..." - Helen E
she climbed a mountain

"Why am I a fan of Nancy Pelosi?" - Helen E

"That dude probably voted for Mitch McConnell." - Helen E
andre's friend from kentucky

Friday, June 11, 2021 -- bri & i went over kenny's place after becky & paul left; out to lunch; hung out with arlene & andy later; got dinner; rummy

"I'm not wearing a bathing suit tomorrow so I'm gonna get a burger." - Arlene A

"They hate freedom?" - Arlene A
people who don't want to live in the US hate us?

"I was doing selfies before there was a stick." - Arlene A

"Now I'm searching my conversation for 'pimp.'" - Arlene A

"It's a very disappointing gold." - Andy C
i discarded a six

Thursday, June 10, 2021 -- breakfast; did mini golf most of the day; pool; final dinner at myrtle beach with everyone; lots games later

"Right between the butt checks." - Paul H (pic)

"This one's a little bit corny." - Arlene A
her kite

"Those are biologically inaccurate." - Arlene A (pic)
the flamingos

"That's a good racket." - Arlene A
bri's old bay story

"It sounds like the number four meal..." - Arlene A

"From a mullet to a clit..." - Brian C
drawing game

"One thing I keep track of is aces." - Paul H
in rummy

"You could smack the ass..." - Paul H
code names

"Oh we're f**king dumb." - Andy C

"You also rent prostitutes." - Andy C

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 -- bri & me out to breakfast; went to the beach; flew kites; walked to lunch; hit the boardwalk; drinks! did the skywheel; dinner & drinks later; everyone in my car!

"Gotta make sure all these springs are stiff. - Paul H

"I don't remember tasting it." - Brian C

"Yes quotes are religious text." - Paul H

"Well you poured some out, I want it back in." - Paul H

"I'm not gonna fuck up this time." - Paul H
the mind

"Well they put in everclear..." - Paul H
cat 5 drink at hurricanes

"I think it's walk to dinner time." - Paul H

"We are living advertisements for that cat five." - Paul H
him and bri got pretty plastered

"Watch out. There's a child..." - Arlene A

"It just tasted like U R I N E..." - Arlene A
one of her drinks


"You don't have to shout sex in the hot tub!" "Public service announcement." - Janny M & Andy C

"How much is water down there?" "It's free. It's in the ocean." - Brian C & Andy C
in florida

"I don't find him attractive." - Andy C
our waiter

"You gave me a small. Do I look like a small?" - Andy C
bri and andy trying on woman's bikini tops

"Don't touch the art." - Arlene A
talking about me

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 -- went out on the boat w/ mom & kenny & everyone; got stranded on bird island; went out to lunch; awesome day! then rummy at night

"That's why it's the dream and not the reality." - Paul H
boat names cause they cost so much


"Apparently they make good drinks." - Kenny B
woman was sea sick on this floating bar

"The spoon has been licked." - Paul H


"Yeah, Janis just destroyed all my dreams with that." - Paul H

Monday, June 7, 2021 -- went to the beach; went to a brewery; walked to golf but along the way there was a winery so did a girls wine tasting; mini golf; went over arlene & andy's; pizza & drinks

"I understand arrows now." - Paul H
how to get out of the parking lot


"The winery is the perfect opportunity to get sober." - Andy C

"I am not blue balls..." - Andy C

"So Arlene has one and a half bathrooms and I have a half bathroom." - Andy C
their place

"The internet has to be true." - Paul H

Sunday, June 6, 2021 -- went to breakfast; hit up costco; walked the beach; pool; went to the pirate voyage show; hung out later

"Let us know if we're sharing too much." - Paul H
poop medicine...


"If I don't wear a belt you'll probably see it." - Paul H
butt crack


"I mean if you want me to be double fistin' then..." - Paul H
becky would have to drive

"You got a turtle and a penis..." - Paul H

"Why is she naked in front of the children?" - Paul H

"I just realize she has legs so..." - Arlene A
becky's clue was her

"A pervert might sniff." - Andy C

"You see... this is a nice game." - Arlene A

"Those are expensive... I don't think Janis wears stilettos." - Arlene A

"Queefs were apparently as loud as raves..." - Paul H
code names

"A piglet is probably louder than a queef." - Paul H

Saturday, June 5, 2021 -- arrived in myrtle beach! met up with mom & kenny; went to ocean annies; pool; met up w/ paul & becky when they arrived; pool & hot tub & drinks; saw arlene later

"I didn't feel lit. I took two Percocets." - Mom
when she got her tattoo

"It's not strong. Y'all are young..." - Kenny B
inlet water

"They close at like eleven... They don't want no body skinny dipping... they never caught me though." - Kenny B

"There's a wedding over there..." "Yeah, we already talked about crashing it." - Paul H & Brian C

Wednesday, June 2, 2021 -- wfh; played spades online w/ jason & brittney

"Wouldn't it be falling down?" "Why? You tie the string." - Brittney H & Jason H
drawstring pants

"Click on your face." "I don't have a face." - Jason H & Janny M

"You know? I don't think that crate is available anymore..." - Jason H
after he offered brittney but she wanted to keep it at his place