Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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Currently displaying 60 quotes for this month.

Friday, February 27, 2009

"I kick a lot of people's asses." - Janny M

"This is mens work right now." - Shawn R
him & bri were in the kitchen cooking

"You wanna exclude Brian? He sucks remember?" "Thanks." "You're welcome, buddy." - Shawn R & Brian C

Thursday, February 26, 2009 -- work

"There's a lot of woman in him." - Howard T

"Why are you delivering cabbage to Macy's?" - Dimitri D

"I was killed by a cabbage patch!" - Howard T

"Someone needs to get that guy a drink." - Dimitri D
his license plate said 'dry'

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 -- work, helped shawn & jen move stuff

"Ugh, why is it on the floor?" "Cause you don't have a table." - Jen R & Janny M
her phone, they have no furniture anymore cause it's in the new place

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"It is a long name... lots of letters..." - Howard T
his name lol

Sunday, February 22, 2009 -- bull roast with peeps!

"Where are you taking that?" "Over there." "Why?" "I don't know." - Stacy M & Robbie W
taking his sandwich someplace but he didn't know why

"Oh no! The battle of the cameras!" - Uncle George
stac & mom

"Don't laugh, Stacy, I hope you like Bacardi." - Uncle George
they're getting alcohol 4 christmas

Saturday, February 21, 2009


"This kid on his team runs like a butterfly." - James M

"I can make money disappear." "So can your wife." - Uncle George & Ryan Mo

"Now I know why people hang themselves." - Uncle George

Friday, February 20, 2009

"Oh, Bri, you wanna get in my pants?" - Shawn R

Thursday, February 19, 2009 -- work, stopped by aunt janets house

"Silver? Can I see?" "It's gone." - Megan R & Aunt Janet

"I'm a statistic now." - Aunt Janet

"The backyard looks like a jungle." - Megan R

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"He quit his job Friday to come here... What an idiot." - Howard T

"I don't tickle... I smack." - Howard T

"That would be fun. I could be someone's pajamas." - Howard T
his hair, or lack there of

"No thanks, I don't do organics." - Howard T
dimitri offering an apple

Monday, February 16, 2009

"What did I hear about sex?" - Jen R

Saturday, February 14, 2009 -- snow skiing all day with paul & bri & dimitri & kim

"Ah, you can see." - Paul H
there was a lot of frost on the windshield, not visible

"According to the sounds, yes." - Paul H
sex noises coming from their room at college, they were having fun

Friday, February 13, 2009 -- work, blew a tire :( din din @ famous daves w/ paul & bri & shawn & jen

"The Chrysler's was the easiest." "I guess because they expected it to break down." - Janny M & Paul H
the jack was really hard on the prius

"It's better than those balloons." "That's true." - Janny M & Paul H
i forgot what we were talking about :(

"The Amaretto Sour tastes a little..." "Sour?" - Jen R & Brian C

"Hermit crabs are monsters." - Paul H

"I prefer the breast... oh wait. We're talking about chicken." - Shawn R

"I can't do it like you and Marc." - Jen R

"Hey!" "Well, you wanted me to put it in your mouth." - Shawn R & Brian C

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"I know my way around the woman's bathroom." - Howard T

"Don't write these things down. People will think I'm a pervert." "You're not?" "I didn't say that..." - Howard T & Janny M

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 -- work, went out 2 din din

"Did you know Howard has a university named after him?" - Dimitri D

"I don't really see the connection..." - Howard T
dimitri wants to help out a guy with the last name lang

"I don't check his pants." - Howard T
his son

"I don't think there's any help for you." - Howard T

"That didn't sound right as I started to say it." - Howard T
he was talking about whipping money out

"What are we going to do about the price of gas?" "Well, this summer when hurricane blah blah blah comes and wipes out the refineries..." - Janny M & Brian C

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"I feel like my confidence is completely shattered." "Well, that's part of working at M***." - Dimitri D & Monique S

"It's like right on the bone..." - Roshy R
chaas bit her on her nose

"You can't use your energy when you're dead." - Shawn R
rock band 2

"Am I the only one worried about my eternal soul?" - Shawn R
we kept saying cheesus crust

Sunday, February 8, 2009 -- dc auto show w/ shawn & jen & bri

"I don't think their elevator works." "That's why it's coming up." - Jen R & Brian C

Saturday, February 7, 2009

"That's gonna be freaky." "Yeah, just a little bit..." - Janny M & Jen R
bald with a big bierd

Friday, February 6, 2009 -- work, din din & movie

"Do you guys wanna help and unpack a box? No? Didn't think so. Lazy bums." - Janny M
size_t and candi

"Where are we going?" "To hell." - Janny M & Shawn R

"Quit scheduling your lip waxing." - Shawn R
person driving on a cell phone

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"A bunch of green stuff... Fungus... Mold..." - Howard T
what's in the sandwiches downstairs

"I don't want to show him my banana, he'll go nuts." - Howard T

"'Is your banana a goer?' I don't know what that means. It bothers me." - Howard T Janny Favorite
dimitri was on this monty python kick

Sunday, February 1, 2009 -- super bowl party!

"Yeah, Jen, a little tact when everyone comes over." - Shawn R

"Are you talking about the little boy?" - Janny M
commercial b4 the superbowl

"Wrong bird." - Shawn R
jen rooting for the cards

"And that guy's fat too." - Shawn R

"It's more fusha than pink." - Paul H

"How would a giant tiger open a gate?" - Shawn R
how commercials are unrealistic