Quotes At Long Live The Monkey

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Currently displaying 95 quotes for this month.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

"She smells like she's been drinking all night." - Jen R
dekota, her dog

"I wanna get laid so we're going to bed early." - Shawn R

"I'm not fabreezing my dog." - Jen R

Thursday, January 29, 2009 -- work, other computer went out

"I'll have to take his little ball out here." - Howard T
the mouse

"What do you go down on?" "Lots of things like elevators and stairs..." - Janny M & Dimitri D
lol, like going down on...

"Shove it up your C P U!" - Howard T

"It's the same thing except over here. You can see your tree." - Howard T

"I got the sound card back..." - Howard T
but not the dvd rom

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Honey, where's my soder?" - Jen R

"Yeah, like you but with..." "Tits, yeah." - Brian C & Jen R

"I hope I never get that big." - Jessica A
people on the biggest loser

Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Why would someone rob you in the Museum Of Crime And Punishment?" - Shawn R

Saturday, January 24, 2009 -- went w/ uncle george & ryan to a car swap, work over dad's, replaced the locks on the house!!!

"Do you have anything else you wanna say to brighten my day?" - Ryan Mo
gf giving him bad news

"Well, that's the funny thing about love..." - Ryan Mo


"I'm sorry. I'm a bad person." - Jen R
bri should have had the front seat in the clown car

"Hey, don't mess with my head... Hey! Don't mess with that head either." - Shawn R

"Thinking confuses Jen." - Shawn R

"Baby, it's about to get X rated in here." - Shawn R

"Damn, honey!" - Jen R
shawn was doing wii fit & knocked some stuff over when stomping

"It's not like skiing, that's the problem." "Well, no s**t." - Brian C & Shawn R

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Well, this isn't true." "I didn't think it was." - Howard T & Janny M

"Three months... You might as well get me a puppy." - Howard T
the new guy will have to follow howard around for 3 months

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"At nine O clock we'll have a briefing by Dan and Shana but they're not here..." - Rob P
it was 9

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Oh, you hit it anyway, jeez." - Howard T
dimitri drove around the speed bump but hit it anyway

"I don't want to whip the turn too hard." - Dimitri D

"It says no parking any time." "Yeah, not for me." - Howard T & Dimitri D

"As the cop pulls up, 'move the car', okay, I don't know where to move it to." - Howard T

"Frosty had a sleigh?" - Howard T

"I could go out and sell my body but I'm not sure how much I'll get for it." - Shawn R

Monday, January 19, 2009

"Do we get to see some nuts?" "Doubtful." - Janny M & Shawn R

"What's with dogs and beer?" - Jen R
all dogs like beer

Sunday, January 18, 2009 -- PLAYOFFS!!! but eagles loss :( but good food & fun

"I met some people who were just like me." "What? Lazy?" - Brian C & Shawn R
at his class

"I've been eating nachos on this drive." - Shawn R

"Put your hat back on, what the hell?" - Shawn R
maybe the eagles would win

"It's all because I'm eating nachos!" - Shawn R

"You already have a picture of your ass? I find that a little disturbing." - Brian C
jen said she'd txt bri a pic of her ass

Saturday, January 17, 2009 -- work at dad's, patrick's birthday party, hung out w/ shawn & jen

"I'm allergic to a lot of stuff... Uh, mold, spores, George..." - Kim Mo

"He looks like Roland but very different." "Wow, I never thought of it like that..." - Robbie W & Uncle George

"F**king virgins." - Shawn R
american pie

Friday, January 16, 2009 -- work, hung out w/ stacy & robbie & shawn & jen, din din, rock band, the illusionist

"Look, babe, your food is already here." "Eat it, Robbie." - Stacy M & Janny M
placement had picture of food on it

"This is a good game cause it gets you used to being booed off stage." - Robbie W
rock band

"You're a fricken druggie!" - Shawn R

"Yeah, it's deaf, dumb, and blind, not black." - Janny M
pinball wizard lyrics, i thought it was deaf dumb and black

"Janny, that was the wrong time to say that." "Why?" "Cause I was playing..." - Shawn R & Janny M
the last quote

"It kinda sounds the same..." - Shawn R
talking about the last quote

"Everybody go on easy!" - Janny M
5 devil heads

"F**k easy." "Shawn, what are you on?" "Medium." - Shawn R & Jen R
lol only medium???

"I'm just in awe of how awesome this song is." - Robbie W

"I wasn't very pleased with it. It's not how I want to remember her paw." - Stacy M
they pushed tina's paw down really hard they must have

"She's in a pretty little cherry oak box..." - Stacy M

"You don't bury ashes." - Stacy M

"When we had Blackie..." - Robbie W
funny name

"I wouldn't be doing that in front of my face." - Stacy M
try to pull a sward out

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"It's the same damn phone as you and Janny and whoever else has a Voyager." - Jen R

Sunday, January 11, 2009 -- PLAYOFFS & form signing

"Thank you for licking it." - Jovanka C

"Who are you now? The three musketeers, bitch?" - Shawn R
coughlin said all for 1 and 1 for all

"Woah, okay. That's how you can tell I'm drunk." - Jen R
not hard to tell

"I don't want to set my apartment on fire because I'm drunk." - Jen R

"Interception! Oh!" "...They punted." - Janny M & Jen R & Shawn R
jen & i said the first part together

"Please don't get Shiane drunk." - Shawn R

"F**k you and the towels!" - Shawn R

Saturday, January 10, 2009 -- saw the possible house, football with the peeps and house bunny afterward

"This has tits in it, doesn't it?" "It has Anna Farris in it so probably." - Brian C & Shawn R
house bunny after the games

"That was me getting a bottle down, Candi." - Shawn R
candi barked cause she thought someone was at the door

"I'm sorry. Did I ruin your life?" - Jen R
if shawn didn't get married he would have gone into a program in the navy

Thursday, January 8, 2009

"Did that girl call you back yet?" "No... slut." - Janny M & Dimitri D

"Point two acres, two bedrooms, four hundred thousand... It must be the bomb in there." - Jovanka C

"Shawn, what do you have between your legs?" "Balls." - Brian C & Shawn R

Sunday, January 4, 2009 -- PLAYOFFS with jen & shawn & seth & paul & bri

"So you weren't listening. I see how it is." "Yeah." - Janny M & Paul H

"He smiles too much." "He does. I wanna just like punch him in the face." - Janny M & Paul H
the mentalist guy

"Bring back Dan Marino, it's the only option!" - Seth W
dolphins sucked

"He still has to pay for that when he gets back." - Seth W
southwest commercial

"I'm sure that's the first time anyone has ever said that." - Seth W
hank baskett put it in your baskett or something

"I think the horn guys gotta pack his horn up." - Paul H

"Later, I'll be the top performer." - Shawn R
rock band, but he didn't mean that

Saturday, January 3, 2009 -- PLAYOFFS!!!

"Can you make me an Amaretto Sour?" "It's only five!" - Jen R & Janny M

"Touchdown Atlanta." "Yeah, I heard it when it said 'Ryan fakes, fires, touchdown Atlanta'." - Jen R & Shawn R

"How many has she had?" "One..." - Janny M & Shawn R
jens a light weight

"That is some good sex... The legs aren't in the way." - Shawn R

"So much for Tomlinson being ineffective, Shawn." - Brian C

"You're drinking a Mike's Hard Lemonade, you're not a man." - Shawn R

"Am I slightly more manly now that I've taken a shot of vodka?" "It's apple vodka!" - Brian C & Shawn R

"What? You need to be sober to write 'apple vodka'?" - Shawn R
preparing a beer run list

"Go Manning, it's your birthday!" "Is it really?" - Janny M & Jen R

"Take a warm shot, you fricken pussy!" - Shawn R

"I know you're getting a hard on from George there half naked." - Shawn R
george clooney

Friday, January 2, 2009 -- work, house shopping

"Where's your mailbox, people?" - Jovanka C
trying to find an address

"We ran out of houses!" - Jovanka C

"They have a party in there, 'Hey I'm here to show the house', yeah right..." - Jovanka C
the house we were looking at had a lot of cars

"Not that much... but I'm thinking Panama." - Jovanka C
to add an addition to a house

"I'm sorry, had my high beams on... blinding people..." - Jovanka C

Thursday, January 1, 2009 -- fireworks in the AM, sleep & back to gtown, din din w/ peeps

"Bottle... Rockets... Bottle... Rockets..." - Liz F
her and i were chanting

"McCain can't do it though." "Well, I mean..." - Janny M & Roshy R
jumping jacks, or so says bri

"Do you get email on your blackberry, dawg?" "Yeah." - Janny M & Stacy M

"So that's why you're getting fatter." - Shawn R
bri works at sudexo building