Sweet Victory

Yes. Finally, the “undefeated” Patriots go down… big time.

They’ve run up the scores ALLLLL season, and finally, in the big game, they choke. The Giants were deemed an underdog and EVERYONE voted against them. They were grossly underestimated. Their defense shined as they put so much pressure on Brady. It was the best game.

The Patriots deserved defeat. It was kinda like in movies where the underdog turns out winning. It was great. Finally, all the commentators, all the sports casters, SHUT UP ALREADY! And now all they will talk about are the Giants. I figured it out, they’re all band wagoners. When the “undefeated” team finally gets defeated by a 5th SEED, they all shut up.

I just want to thank you Giants for putting an end to all the talk. You, good sirs, deserve to be world champions!

Welcome To The Rock

Well, not really.

Welcome to my new blog. The old blog is at niles38.easyjournal.com .

Trying out this wordpress deal again. I tried it once with Bri’s votecrider.com website and I hated it. Maybe I’ll actually like it for a blog kinda thing… maybe.